The end is here

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Everyone coughed as the smoke disappeared, they appeared on a building roof top that was a few miles away from Metro Tower. "Ugh, why does it smell like rotten milk?" Ezra gaged as he held his nose and waved the smoke away from. "HOW DID YOU DO THAT?!" Usagi yelled as he ran up to Ezra and shook the teen by grabbing his shoulders. "Usagi! You're gonna make him a brain smoothie!" Venus yelled as she separated Usagi and Ezra from each other. "But how did he do that?" Usagi yelled as he gestured a hand to Ezra, who was being held up by Casey as the fox's vision tried to clear. "Do what? The smoke bombs. I did that." Splinter said as he put a hand to his chest, Mikey and Leo were sitting in stunned silence, but Donnie sat between the two. "No, I mean the mystic energy thing!" Usagi said and pushed Venus away from him and marched back to Ezra. "If you knew how to do that, then that means you can help us get our Mystic powers back." Usagi said as he gestured to the others.

Ezra rubbed his head and looked to the others, Donnie had heard the conversation and looked up. "If we can get our mystic powers back, we can beat the Krang and get Raph back." April said as she held her chin, Ezra frowned as Leo and Mikey looked to the fox in hope. "Please, you have to tell us." Mikey said quietly, Ezra bit his lip as his ears pinned back against his head again. "I... I uh." Ezra said as he rubbed his arm in some sort of self-comfort. Everyone watched him as Casey stood to the side, standing close to Ezra if it was needed. "I... don't know how I was able to activate it." Ezra said, everyone looked at him with confusion, anger or hurt. "What do you mean 'I don't know'?" Donnie hissed as he stood, Leo noticed and furrowed his brows. "Is that another reason you told no one you're a Krang spy?" Donnie said, bawling his hands as he marched up to Ezra. "I know you guys deserve an explanation on that, but I promise I'm not one!" Ezra said with a nervous smile.

"Ya think?! How do we know that the Krang aren't spying on us through you?!" April yelled, her anger of Raph being mind controlled now directed at Ezra. Everyone but Mikey and Casey began to try and gang up on Ezra. Venus saw Leo was getting up and he looked angry, so she assumed he was gonna yell at Ezra. But she didn't know what to do. Sure, Ezra is her own child, but the feeling of betrayal was a familiar and trusted face wasn't something that Venus had planned. So she went to Mikey and began to comfort the small turtle as Casey tried to get everyone to back off from Ezra. Then Leo pulled his weapons and stood between his family, his face dark and obviously angry. "Wha- Leo? What are you doing?!" Donnie yelled; Ezra frowned as he looked at the ground. Leo noticed and put on his katana's back, using his free hand to push Ezra's mask back down onto his face. "The Krang abducted Ezra, then destroyed his planet and kept him frozen until they used him as a spy against us in the future." Leo said and looked at his friends and family as Ezra also looked at Leo.

"The Krang planted a chip inside of his head to control him when he slept and to see and hear everything he heard and saw when he was awake." Leo explained and then looked at Venus, everyone looking at her in slight confusion. "Then, a certain turtle with electric Ninpo fried the chip inside Ezra's head after he revealed himself and the Krang to future us." Leo said, putting his other Katana back as he saw Venus seemed shocked. Leo then looked to the others and furrowed his brows. "It's unfair to blame Ezra for something that happened to him that he wasn't in control of. May I remind you that he was ten at the time? Maybe a little older?" Leo sassed as he put his hands on his hips. Everyone stayed silent and looked back over to Ezra. "Sorry bud, we're just really worried about Raph." April said, rubbing her neck as Ezra's ears lifted a bit.

"Yeah, I am too." Ezra said sadly and pushed up his mask again to reveal a frown. "I made future mom a promise right before she died, now I've broken it twice." Ezra huffed and kicked a stone nearby, this caught everyone's attention. "Wait, what was the promise?" Venus asked, Ezra looked up and then frowned again. "I promised her that while she was gone, I'd protect all my uncles. Uncle D was already gone by the time I was adopted, Uncle Mike and Uncle Leo died trying to get me and Casey to the portal to get here." Casey looked at the ground with regret as Mikey looked up at the two. He looked up at Ezra's mask again and thought of something. "Is that why you wear the mask?" Mikey asked quietly, everyone turned to him. "Huh? Oh, no. I wear it because everyone thought I was some kind of Krang creature after I revealed I was a spy. No one wanted to hang out with me, and then future Mom gave me the mask." Ezra said with a smile and held the mask up.

"But why?" Usagi asked, taking the mask and looking at it. He held it up and put it on, looking around and then pulling off. "It's just a mask, one that future Donnie obviously hasn't touched." Usagi said as he handed the mask back to Ezra. "It's not supposed to help me see; it's supposed to act like a barrier." Ezra said with a smile and held it in his paws. "Mom said that if I wore it and people were scared, that it was because they're afraid of the mask. Dunno why, you just said the mask belonged to some unhinged warrior that died several years ago." Ezra said with a shrug as he looked over at Venus. Her eyes slightly narrowed as she pushed her lip to the side in annoyance.  "Something tells me future me never told you what I did at your age." Venus admitted, everyone chuckled in concern as Casey and Ezra looked around in confusion. 

"Can we get some clarification on that?" Casey asked, everyone but Mikey yelled "No." and the future duo looked slightly annoyed. But then they all heard loud thuds and gasped as they looked at Metro tower. The familiar pink lightning appeared from the vines that had shot out onto the streets, they soon disappeared as well as the cities electricity. Everything became dark, until even more pink electricity shot up the vines and to the top of Metro Tower. As the electrical currents zoomed up, Polymath looked up at the closed portal in glee. Huntress, Prime and Krang-Raph remained a few feet from Polymath and watched the electricity then went up into the gateway and then into the air. The cities civilians watched in horror as a vortex grew in the sky and kept getting bigger until the electricity disappeared. It was dead silent for a moment, until tendrils began to waver their way out of the prison dimension and slowly etch the remained of the ship its way out.

Some people on the surface got out their cars, homes and other places to run as far from the portal as they could. However, the gravity suddenly became unstable and lifted a lose things on the ground The tendrils from before had turned out to be the bottom of the Technodrome, which appeared to a sphere-shaped shape, a single hemi-sphere on the outside that could probably act as something to outlook at the city as it was planned to be destroyed. The ship then reached for Metro Tower and wrapped its tendrils around the top, becoming still and allowing the Krang trio and Krang-Raph to climb in. Outside of the ship, you could tell that everything was wrong as a lot of debree began to rise up and orbit around the Technodrome. Once inside, the Krang Trio and Krang-Raph walked in, but Krang-Raph stopped a few feet behind the three and bowed. In brig, three armored suits remained in front of the Krang trio.

Each suit was different in every way, but the three was made for a specific krang indeed. Prime took the one in the center, Huntress took the one on the right and Polymath, the left one. Once all three were inside, Prime smiled wickedly and spoke. "Begin!" He commanded, the eyes on the suits glowed bright red to show that it was now making a bond with each krang that now possessed it. Once they had done so, the Technodrome pushed off the building and began to hover into the air, the key still in place so the prison dimension was still wide open. Once the ship was in the air, odd small things began to zoom out, turning out to being devices that began to infect anything that fought back. Somehow, the army had arrived and began to infect the tanks, choppers and even some soldiers, that hadn't been eaten by the infected vehicles.

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