New look for Huntress

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As the krang!Foot Clan began to search through the lair for the device, the shell hogs roared to life. They were left behind in case the three needed to make a quick escape. "April O'Neil!" April yelled as she drove her shell hog, Splinter sitting behind her as she crashed into a few drones. Usagi managed to avoid them and looked to his side, seeing Huntress glaring at them as he narrowed his eyes at Huntress. April then drove down the stairs while Usagi reeved up his shell hog to jump into the air. He managed to land behind April and stopped for a moment before throwing a smoke bomb in hopes of blinding Huntress who was chasing them. April yelped as she crashed into something before zooming off, Usagi following with narrowed eyes.

"Come back here!" Huntress yelled as she walks through the cloud and rubbed her eyes before dashing after the group. "Faster. Faster!" Splinter yelled as the two drove through an old subway train, busting through the doors and then heading down the train tracks, allowing Usagi to drive next to April. The artifact remained in April's backpack and neither driver planned to give it up or to stop for anything.

Back with the others....

Donnie and Casey stood back-to-back as they batted away or cut any tentacles coming for them.  Ezra shot any vines coming from below as he stood next to Leo who sliced any that come within a certain foot of him and Ezra. "I knew this was a bad idea!" Donnie yelled as he and Casey's back touched each other. They quickly switched sides and went for another vine that tried to go for them. Venus hopped off some of the beams, spinning her body like a tornado before landing gracefully as Mikey smacked the vines away, fear overtook his features. "Leo, there's too many. We should go back!" Mikey yelled, everyone shifting their glance to Leo a few times. Ezra gasped as saw a vine go for Leo's katanas, the fox jumped into the air and slammed the vines to the ground with one leg.

"No, we're gonna get to those stairs." Leo ordered, some vines wrapping around his wrists as Ezra shot a smoke bomb arrow at a few vines. "Leo, we're not gonna make it! We have to turn back!" Donnie yelled, Casey and Mikey getting pulled from him as Donnie was able to yank his arms around to cut the vines off his wrists. "We push forward, we get Raph, that's final!" Leo said and tried to dash ahead, only for more vines to grab onto Leo and tried to pull him back. Ezra yelped as he jumped back and managed to dodge a vine again, bumping into Venus who chopped the vine with her fans. The vines holding Leo then shot him backwards to the others, causing him to grunt in pain and land on the ground.

Casey ran over to make sure he was okay before looking up, everyone gasped as they saw a giant vine separating the six into two groups. Venus got pushed back with Donnie and Mikey while Ezra jumped forward with Casey and Leo. Venus coughed as the vine came from the giant krang-subway train. It blared its horns as Donnie took a second while Mikey stared at the creatures back. Then he looked at his hands and narrowed his eyes. "Mystic hands!" Mikey yelled as he got up and thrusted his hands forward again, believing with every ounce of his body his mystic powers would come back if he tried enough. Venus gasped as she and Donnie looked at Mikey, the train heard and turned around to him.

It then rose it's clawed hand up and slammed it down to hit Mikey, Venus's eyes went wide as she tried to get up but got tripped by a vine. As the claw slammed down, Ezra, Casey and Leo watched from a distance, fear on their faces. "DONNIE! MIKEY! V!" Leo yelled as the train blocked an access he had into seeing his siblings. Ezra and Casey then saw some vines wrap around Leo as it knew Leo was distracted. Back with Mikey, he grunted in slight discomfort, he remained perfectly fine as he looked to the side. But when Mikey looked to the side, a piece of black metal fell to his side. Realization hit him like a wall as he looked up and saw Donnie above him. "Oh no, Donnie, your soft shell!" Mikey yelled, Donnie moving away to get off Mikey and to rub his real shell. "You're exposed!" Mikey said, reaching out to Donnie as he sat up.

 But both yelped as a spike sprang out from the ground. "BACK OFF!" Venus yelled as she appeared to their side and cut the spike. "Move, move, move!" Venus yelled as she looked at her younger brothers. "We gotta find shelter!" Mikey yelled as grabbed Donnie's wrist and pulled his brother to the turtle tank, Venus not far behind as she took out any vines that tried to take advantage of Donnie's shell. The three were able to race to the tank, the door cutting off a vine as it tried to reach for them. As the severed piece began to erupt in green goo, Donnie groaned and held his stomach. "Keep it down, Vomitello!" Donnie said, watching in disgust as the piece erupted, its eye thrown into the air and landing on Donnie face. Mikey even looked in disgust as Venus gagged and held her mouth, looking away as she covered her mouth with her wrist.

"Keep it down, daddy!" Donnie mumbled as the eye slid down his face. The three then yelped as the tank's light suddenly went out before turning to it's alerting red. Mikey and Donnie hugged each other as the vines outside began to wrap around the tank and lifting it up, then the vines began to compress into the tank.

Back with April...

April stayed silent and occasionally looked behind herself as she held her bat in on hand. Usagi also stayed focused and only paid attention to the space in front of him, ignoring that fact that Huntress was actual inches from them. "Run, insects, but you can't escape!" Huntress yelled, using one of her tentacles to knock the bike over and cause April and Splinter to go flying. Usagi heard and gasped, looking around to see which way he could turn around, but found it hard since he was going so fast. As April got knocked onto the ground, Huntress crawled up to April, ignoring Splinter and Usagi who kept driving until he figures out a way around.

"Don't!" April yelled as she tried to back away, moving her bag so she could hold it close to her chest. "The key, human. Give it to me!" Huntress demanded as she kept getting closer to April. The teen girl yelped in fear before ripping the bag open. She was left defenseless since her bat had disappeared and was resorting to her school bag for some help. She did find her baseball and threw it at Huntress, which only angered the Krang as April reached into her bag again. April kept throwing random school supplies she had in her bag, leaving the vials and key alone. April even resorted to her thickest book labeled "So... you're running out of ideas." with a giant brain in the center, now that's some irony.

It took Huntress a moment to cope from the book before roaring at April and pushing the girl down. April then reached into her bag, pulling out one of the vials. Having literally nothing else to protect her, April threw the vial at Huntress after pushing the button that released the liquid. Somehow, that vial did something and it caused Huntress to shriek in pain as a blue smoke covered one of her eyes. April was able to back away as Huntress tried to get rid of the pain, only to stop as she turned to a side. "What did you do to me?" Huntress asked as she raised a tentacle to the smoking part of her face. "What did you do to my face?!" She again demanded as she fully turned to April, revealing her entire right eye and its socket now disappear, a giant gaping hole on the side of Huntress's face.

Then, Splinter drove over to April with her bat under his arm, Usagi also came back and turned his bike quickly, making the dirt of the ground to cause a dust cloud to blind Huntress again as April laughed in triumph. "I knew that stuff was nasty! I told y'all!" April yelled as she grabbed onto Splinter's offered hand, Usagi and Splinter looked at Huntress and saw what was supposed to be the hole as Huntress tried to wipe the dust from her eyes. "Yes, yes. You're a genius, let's go!" Splinter said as he pulled April up and drove off, Usagi not far behind. The only time Usagi looked back was when Huntress roared loudly. All Usagi saw was several creatures remaining in the dark behind Huntress, fear crept up Usagi's spine before he looked ahead. "Hang on Leo." Usagi said, knowing the guys and Venus were probably having trouble find Raph.

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