Donnie's sensory Issues

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As each group dealt with their problem, Leo huffed as he dashed down the halls. He saw to his right a light shone through an archway, so he shifted his weight and ran through it. As Leo got closer to the wall, he used what he could to hid himself incase Prime would appear. While Huntress was a possibility, it was doubtful since she was dealing with Casey, Splinter, April, and Usagi. As Leo moved from the wall, he looked down the halls that led out from the one he was in currently but gasped softly as he saw the room just a few feet in front of himself. Being quiet while his concern and worry grew, Leo walked into a giant room where lava surrounded the walkway he went through. 

He didn't bother to look behind himself as Leo looked at the giant window before him, allowing Leo to see the harm and destruction the Technodrome was already causing. As Leo looked ahead, he failed to notice the light was coming from a giant eyeball on the ceiling, it is shifting behind Leo to reveal a throne made upon a giant triceratops skull where Prime sat in his commander armor with Krang-Raph standing next to him. But Leo gasped as he heard a low loud sound behind him, the eyeball's iris becoming bigger. As Leo turned around, he grabbed a single katana and held it in front of himself, his shock on his face upon Prime's new attire.

 "Surprise." Leo said in a mocking tone, a smirk on his face as he held his katana at Prime, Leo was still tense as he spoke again. "I've come for my brother." Prime chuckled darkly as his armor rested its head on its hand. "Let me guess.... duty." Prime said, Leo chuckled at Prime's answer as he ready himself for attacking. "He said doodie." Leo said to himself with a worried grin, already knowing what was to come as Prime shifted his glace to Krang-Raph. The mind-controlled teen remained stoic, until Prime gestured to Leo. Krang-Raph snarled as he jumped into the air and landed on the pathway, a cloud of dust blinding Leo for a moment.


April slid to her knees, a frightened Casey sitting behind her while Splinter remained behind the two of them. Unlike Splinter, Usagi landed perfectly, grunting as he held his sword up. They seemed to take their fight to a construction site, one that may have been the one where the turtles and April met Mayhem. Speaking of the creature, you gotta wonder where he is if he hasn't been with April. He's probably with Nicole, April's mother or even Cassandra. But back to the actual story, Huntress laughed as she landed before the teens and single parent. Casey and April were ready for a attack as Usagi quickly helped Splinter up.

"I see you got yourself an upgrade." April said with a taunting smile, pushing down her glasses a bit so Huntress could see her wink. Huntress growled at this and narrowed her single eye. "You will pay dearly for what you've done to me!" Huntress yelled, commanding her armor to prepare for another attack as the teens and Splinter got ready. "This psycho routine is a little thing. Where's the character development?" Splinter spoke out, guess that's one way to break the fourth wall. Not to mention that he's kinda speaking from experience considering he want from passing out from cake and milk, to a father who is actually out helping his kids and their friends.

Again, back to reality. Huntress shot a laser out from her armor that blasted at the four, causing them to either fall back, or fail trying to jumping back. The laser then hit the in-progress building, something April noticed and grin at as a idea began to form in her mind. "Leo's counting on us to get to that key." Casey yelled as Splinter and Usagi tried to distract Huntress. "I think I have an idea." April said, turning her gaze to a wrecking ball. Surely a crane license also applies to wrecking balls, right? April spun her bat as Usagi, and Splinter got pushed back. "Cover me!" April yelled, everyone darting in different directions, April going to the wrecking ball while the other three distracted Huntress.

-Back with Leo-

Leo stood his ground as Krang-Raph walked closer to Leo, his breathing loud as he took each step. "Raph, you're coming with me, whether you like it or not." Leo said, his eyes slightly narrowed as he told Raph his promise. Krang-Raph only roared at Leo as an answer, something that made Leo tense up as he hoped that was some kind of answer from the Raph he was talking too, not the Krang-Raph that stood before Leo. "I don't want to fight you, but I will if I have too." Leo said, grabbing his other katana as Krang-Raph kept trudging towards Leo.

You could hear Prime laughing to himself as he got comfortable, ready to watch the show that would be displayed before him. "Oh, you will have to." Prime said quietly, Krang-Raph roared at Leo again before dashing to Leo, getting ready to land a attack. Leo pushed back for a moment before giving himself the momentum he needs to jump forward. Leo tried to actually land a attack first, but Krang-Raph was able to block it. Then Krang-Raph tried to hit Leo with his whip, but Leo was quick and bounced off the attack, sliding to the side. Krang-Raph and Leo then both tried to land a attack on the other, only for them to both block and narrow their eyes at the other, their teeth bare.

Back with Don and Mikey...

Polymath roared again as he commanded his waves of tendrils to hit Mikey and Donnie, who dodged narrowly. One had grabbed hold of Donnie and tried to hit Mikey at the same time, but he bounced forward and looked behind him with fear. He saw the tendril was trying to whip Mikey away. But the turtle was quick and sucked all of his limbs in, allowing the tendril to hit Polymath and shove him out of the consule and into a pile some feet away. The power cut out as no one was piloting the ship, the console was the only thing that gave the room some sort of light. "Bravo Mikey!" Donnie said as he stood, Mikey pulled himself out his shell and ran after Donnie in a hurry. With Polymath currently unconscious, Mikey and Donnie took this as a chance to run to the main console. But once they got their, confusion was written all over their faces.

"Huh, there's no buttons, or computer, or anything." Donnie said as he looked at the consule, slightly disgusted as Mikey also looked around. "Just alot of ooey-gooy, disgustingness." Donnie said, Mikey looking at the sludge for a console in disgust. They even dripped and oozed in the weridest place possiable."I don't know how to hack into-" Then the realization kicked in as Donnie stopped himself and his face contorted and disgust even more as Mikey turned around, hoping to find some way to pilot the ship. "Oh God." Donnie said, looking ahead gimily as Mikey turned back to Donnie. "I know what I have to do." Donnie said, Mikey turned to Donnie fully with confusion as he asked what Donnie meant. Donnie's face turned into a pained one, but he gagged badly when he looked down at the consule. "No, no, I don't think I can do this." Donnie as he turned away and even began to cry a bit.

"What are you talking about?" Mikey asked with a raised brow as Donnie tried to shake away the feeling. "Oh no." MIkey said as he realized and turned to the consule, he to gagged badly and used his knees to prop himself up. "Thats, so gross." Mikey said, also shaking his head as he knew how they were going to pilot the ship. The two longer legs on Polymath's armor began to make sense as Donnie gagged again. "I can't do it." Donnie said, but Mikey gave his brother and determined frown as he balled his hands and tried to shake away the image that would have to happen before them. 

"I believe in you!" Mikey said as Donnie turned to him. "Ugh, it's my worse nightmare!" Donnie yelled as he looked up, Mikey trying his best not to throw up as he spoke again. "I know." Mikey's voice cracked as he knew he could only give Donnie moral support. He was also aware that Donnie's sensory issues were going on red alert right now and Mikey throwing up wouldn't help right now. God if there was a time Donnie would trade his autism for Mikey's ADHD, it be right now.

A/n: THIS HAS ACTUALLY BEEN CONFIRMED BY ON ONE OF THE ROTTMNT WRITERS AND I WILL MAKE IT KNOWN IN THIS BOOK! It makes me so happy they actually confirmed this! Also, if this is offensive towards people with Autism or ADHD in anyway, please let me know!

"I'm doing it! I'm doing it!" Donnie yelled with a laugh, marching up to the consule and then throwing his arms right into the consule, trying his best to ignore the consule as it actually began to grow on his arms. Mikey literally had to step back and take a second to not throw up at this point as Donnie tried his best to work with the consule, though he did yell in protest about this entire situation.

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