Not Gonna Give Up on Him If He Didn't Give Up on Us

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With the siblings, each began to grief in their own way. Raph was on his knees and pushing his body up with his elbows, crying with quiet sobs as Donnie stood next to him, shaking badly and tears going down his cheeks. Shocked by this, Donnie lifted his hand up to his face and pulled back to see that he was crying. Donnie furrowed his brows but didn't lose his shocked expression as he shook his head, this was really happening. Leo was really gone. Venus was sitting against a curb, her arm resting on a propped-up leg as she stared at the ground with half-lidded eyes. The death of a loved one was something Venus was use to, but it didn't stop hurting worse than before, even she was crying bigger tears than Donnie and Raph but had to remain silent due to her neck injury.

But Mikey? Oh. Poor Mikey was taking the hit harder, it was like he refused to accept this as he bawled his hands, his body still turned towards the direction the Technodrome had exploded. After crying a bit, he once again, lifted his hands up. Hoping, praying, for something to happen as he grunted in effort and his hands shook. Venus saw and frowned, watching Mikey fall apart again and fall forward a bit and cry even harder than the others, but he didn't stop trying to do something with his mystic hands. Venus frowned and looked to Raph, knowing she couldn't comfort him or help him, she tried to get Raph's attention by tapping on his shoulder. Raph was hesitant to look up at Venus, before seeing she was pointing to Mikey with a sad frown.

"Mikey, it's over." Raph said as he got up and remained on his knees. "Leo never gave up on us, I'm not giving up on him!" Mikey declared as he looked at Raph before looking ahead, his tears growing but that didn't stop him as he thought about his lost brother. If a future him could bend the rules of reality and time to send Casey and Ezra in time, Mikey from the current times could open a portal to his brother. Mikey narrowed his eyes as sparks of his ninpo began to react to his emotions, to his thoughts and memories of Leo. After getting a good understand, orange energy surrounded Mikey and a spot in front of him, Mikey yelling in effort as he didn't back down.

His three siblings watched in shock as this was happening. "Whoa." Donnie whispered as he helped Venus up, not that she needed it, but she appreciated the kind gesture. "Mikey, whatever you're doing, don't stop!" Raph said as he, Donnie and Venus ran up behind Mikey. Upon his eldest brothers' words, the beginning of a portal opened even faster than the one from the future, the familiar cracks of ninpo on Mikey's arms also appearing and spreading faster than the last time. But Mikey didn't care, he ignored the pain and only focused on the portal. He didn't care if these marks would cause permanent damage, Mikey was going to get Leo back even if it meant he couldn't use his hands again. But Mikey became shocked as Raph grabbed one of his shoulders and Donnie the other. Venus remained behind Mikey and smiled with determination as she put her hand on Mikey's shell.

"We're here Mikey! Together.!" Raph said, Donnie using his other arm to block the portals glare as Mikey looked up at Raph with shock. There was no way in hell he'd let his little brother go through this alone! Mikey narrowed his eyes as he looked back at the portal, the damaging ninpo reaching up to his siblings' hands and causing them harm too. As the ninpo grew on the siblings' arms, their eyes glowed bright orange, their bodies telling them that this was too much. But they didn't care, their ninpo reacted quickly and flashed on their hands, shoulders and neck, giving Mikey some of their energy so that he really wasn't going this alone.

Someway, somehow, Mikey managed to open a portal in the prison dimension. Familiar with the orange glow, Leo turned around to look at it and his hope grew. Grunting in slight pain as any movement caused his pain or ach, Leo held his hand out to the portal, praying this was what he hopped it was. As the glow cleared through, Leo smiled as he saw a crying Mikey and Don, everyone shocked to see Leo again and that this had worked. The ninpo cracks had disappeared from Mikey and his siblings' arms and hands, but that didn't stop them from keeping the portal open. Leo sighed painfully and looked at them with a happy grin and tired eyes. "Took you guys long enough." Leo said.

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