Leo's Ultimate Decision

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Prime chuckled to himself as he stood a few feet away from Leo. "Outmatched and alone, yet you persist." Prime said as he waved his hand to the side and then bawled it. "For what? Honor, redemption?" Prime asked as Leo stood and got into a defensive stance. "Sacrifice? All meaningless." Prime taunted as he leaned forward a bit. Leo's marks gave a small glow as he spun one katana around. "We'll see about that." Leo said, zooming forward. prime matched Leo's speed and both ran forward to the other. Leo got to his knees and slid under Prime, using his ninpo to make a portal in front of himself. Then Leo appeared in front of Prime and threw one katana to him, Prime dodged that with ease and grabbed hold of Leo.

Prime then threw Leo to the ground, a crater appearing on the ground and letting Leo bounce backwards. Once Leo was on his back, Prime slammed his foot down on Leo, blood spraying from the slider's mouth from the sudden action. Neither giving Leo's flying sword much attention as Prime narrowed his eyes. Leo grunted in pain before lifting his fists up. "Leo, please! I can't lose you again." Casey pleaded through the communicator; Leo furrowed his brows at the before he spoke again. "Hey, future me would be real proud of you. I'm proud of you. Same goes for Ezra, watch over him while I'm gone, 'kay?" Leo said through Casey's com, causing Casey to cry a bit as Ezra looked at the key again.

A/N: Excuse me I'm just gonna *starts sobbing*

"Weak words, weak actions. I have forever known what you fail to understand! Strength always prevails!" Prime said, leaning more and more on Leo so much, you could hear bones break from the pressure. At this point, Leo lodged his final katana in Prime's foot and narrowed his eyes at Prime. "What you fail to understand is, I missed on purpose!" Leo yelled with narrowed eyes, referencing to when Prime dodged Leo's katana moments ago. Sparking up some ninpo, Leo teleported himself and Prime into the prison dimension, a few yards away from the exit. "No, enough of your little tricks." Prime said, punching Leo in the face, Leo spat out some blood as his katanas were yanked away and thrown back into the real dimension.

Prime then grabbed hold of Leo again, ready to do another attack as Leo grabbed Prime's arm. "Casey, close the portal now!" Leo yelled through his communicator. "WHAT?!" Prime yelled and looked down, seeing he was farther from the exit and now realizing he was back in the prison dimension. Casey grabbed hold of the key and looked at it with tears, but he tried to blink them away. Only for Casey's tears to come back worse and for him to look down. Prime tossed Leo to the side, only for Leo grab hold of Prime's mouth and try to hold him back. "No! Let go of me!" Prime yelled and punched Leo in the face, a black eye forming as Prime kept punching him.

"Casey, please!" Leo pleaded, Casey looked back at the key, but his hand was shaking too much. That was until Ezra's hand grabbed the other side of the key, Casey looking at Ezra, who was also crying slightly. "We're Dumb and Dumber, remember? We do things together." Ezra said, Casey looked at Ezra and nodded, both turning to the key and yanking it out from it lock and Ezra let go. He let Casey take hold of the key and run off as the tower began to break. Casey got out with his zipline, but Ezra stopped at the edge and saw Usagi a few blocks away. Usagi watched in horror as the pink lightning shot up and shrunk the portal until it crushed the Technodrome.  On the island with the siblings, Mikey covered his mouth in horror as Donnie gripped his staff tightly. Raph watched with a hurt face and gripped his side as Venus stood like a dear in headlights.

Her face was contorted in horror, like Mikeys, but she didn't look away from the explosion. As the explosion could be seen from one end, the prison dimension was brightly lit, Leo smiling as he let go of Prime and floated backwards. "You've been portal chopped." Leo said triumphally, Prime watching in angered shock. A giant gust of wind pushed Prime and Leo back, Leo grunted in pain as he rolled onto a destroyed ship and slammed against a wall, Prime landed with ease and looked up. "You..." Prime said angrily as he turned to Leo, who remained motionless, leaning against the wall and his arms to his side, eyes closed as he knew what was to come.

"You've ruined everything!" Prime yelled as he stepped forward. "And now..." Prime paused to chuckle to himself angerly. "...my wrath will be reserved for you alone." Prime said as he bawled his hands and punched Leo, who again, spat out blood from the blow. "You think you've won, you wretched little pest?!" Prime yelled as he kept punching Leo before bringing both hands together and slamming them down on Leo, causing the ground under them to crack and for them both to fall into the destroyed ship. Leo remained silent the entire time before looking to the photo in his hand, he had grabbed it after slamming into the wall, and looked at his entire friends and family inside the photo.

Seeing each of their happy grins, including his own, made Leo cry. For now, he would never get to see them again and mostly likely die here. But then Leo remembered that it was because of his sacrifice that guaranteed their safety, a big price to pay for family. Even through the tears, Leo managed to shift his frown into a big grin. "Wipe that grin off you face!" Prime yelled, hitting Leo so hard, that the ship exploded and sent Leo soaring. All Leo could do was bring the photo to his chest and pull his legs close, closing his eyes as he accepted his fate and used the photo to help him remember all the moments, he had with the people remaining inside the photo.

Back with everyone in New York...

Casey and Ezra had split up, so Casey was wondering the streets of New York aimlessly, looking up and dropping his hockey stick. In front of him, one of Leo's katanas remained on some rubble, so Casey walked to it, kneeled in front of it and carefully picked it up by the blade. Casey looked at his reflection in the metal, crying more as he pushed the metal to his forehead. April and Splinter sat on the ground, the rat with his face in his hands as April kneeled next to him, crying herself as she rubbed his back. But April teen turned around with a poisoness look and shot it at Huntress, who only laughed at the family's loss. A few moments ago, Usagi stared at the sky with horror, the wind going dead silent as Usagi cried more.

"N-.... no. No, no, no, NO!" Usagi yelled, running more and his blade glowing bright green. He didn't even realize it, but his Mystic abilities were unlocked and destroying the streets, pushing Usagi to Metro Tower faster. Ezra had noticed when the building began to collapse and made a tunnel, jumping in it and allowing himself to teleport in front of raged Usagi. Ezra jumped to Usagi and wrapped his arms around Usagi's torso in hopes to stop Usagi from raging even more. "STOP! LET ME GO! I HAVE TO GET LEO OR ELSE HE'll-"

"HE'S GONE MR. SNOW! PLEASE, j-just stop." Ezra yelled, Usagi was still huffing angerly, but then began to even out his breath he noticed how bad Ezra was shaking badly. Usagi calmed himself down a bit and then looked up at the sky again and saw the remaining Technodrome was gone, so Usagi sighed and looked back down at Ezra. Usagi slowly went to his knees and got a better chance to hug Ezra, rubbing his back as the two were slowly dropped to the concrete ground. As Usagi tried his best to comfort Ezra, tears still poured out from Usagi's eyes. But it got worse when Usagi looked up and saw Leo's other missing katana. Usagis' grip on the child grew and caused him to exhale with a shudder.

Ezra noticed and hugged Usagi tighter, in hopes of telling the Pikathrope that he's allowed to cope just as much as Ezra. Usagi did start to sob a bit, but his cries were silent and his body was shaking a bit while doing so.

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