Let's go

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On the streets of the famous NYC, several civilians ran away in fear as a tank was swallowed by the infected train. Guess it survived April's backpack hit. An infected helicopter pounced off the ground and hovered in front of a building, several people could be seen from the window but didn't run, only screamed as they were worried as to what would come to it. At one point, a missile was shot at the helicopter and caused it break. The people rose up from where they hid to see where the projectile had been fired from, only to see four figures. Casey spun his hockey stick as it chose the setting it was on. Not far behind him, April, Splinter and Usagi ran behind him. Another strike force helicopter shot a missile at the four, only for them to dodge it, missing another one before Casey jumped up above one and shot his zipline after it, grunting as he landed on the ground and somehow directed the missile to hit the helicopter.

As he stood with narrowed eye, April came up with her bat on her shoulder, Splinter at Casey's other side as he looked ahead with a glare. Usagi was also next to April, but his weapon remained in its scabbard. "There's the key. Let's go!" Casey yelled as he pointed at Metro Tower, the building several miles away from the four. However, something big shot out from another building and crashed in front of the four, causing a giant strong gust of wind to push the four back and break any glass near the four. Casey looked up in shock as he saw Huntress, but in her battle-ready armor. She then turned to the side and saw April, who held her bat to the side as she stood. "Like Casey, let's go!" April said with a grin as she turned to the three. The four stood and ran to hit an attack of Huntress.


The turtles and Ezra hopped on floating debree to get closer to the Technodrome. "I wish my tech was working!" Donnie complained as he hopped around. "Usually, my cardio is jetpack-assisted. I'm not getting credit for any of these steps!" Donnie said, looking up as he kept jumping and saw one last jump should do. Mikey and Donnie screamed as they flew through the air, Ezra laughed gleefully as he waved his arms in the air while Venus and Leo landed on the Technodrome with grace. Leo then grabbed his katana and cut through a soft spot on the ship, the five slipping through as all but Leo and Venus yelped in disgust. a green goo covering their skin or fur. Leo and Venus landing softly, until Venus stepped on some goo and yelped, falling to the ground as the others also landed not so gracefully. "Ow." Venus said bluntly.

"Hey question, is it too late to join April's team?" Donnie asked as he tried to swat away some goo off his head. Then Leo shushed him and the five continued, Donnie wiping off some goo off his head as the other crawled ahead, seeing they were at the piloting brig. "Okay, you two figure out how to hijack the ship." Leo said as Donnie looked down with calculated eyes. Venus sat up and wiped off more goo of herself and some off Ezra. "You two go and save little Ezra, I'm gonna find Raph." Leo said as he stood, Donnie nodded. Mikey slid forward and gave a thumbs up. "Good luck Leon." Venus said as she stood up and dusted her sweats. Leo then turned to head off, until he felt someone grab his hand. He looked down and saw Ezra, who seemed to be frowning. "Even if Uncle Red is being Mind controlled, this is just like his savage side. You just need to figure out how to remind him who he is." Ezra pointed out, letting go of Leo's hand as Leo smirked and patted Ezra's head.

"Thanks for the heads up. And don't worry, earth isn't gonna be like Po-itch again. Not while I'm leader." Leo said as he pointed a thumb to himself and then ran off. Ezra smiled as he held his hands. "Okay Ez, show me where little you is." Venus said, Ezra nodded and ran off the opposite direction of Leo, Venus not far behind. "Also, what's Po-itch?" Venus asked as she ran side-by-side with Ezra, who shrugged his shoulders. "Eh, you don't have to worry about it." Ezra said, Venus rolled her eyes as Mikey and Donnie looked down at the console to think of an exact plan. "So how do we hack this thing?" Mikey asked as he leaned forward. "Best guess, main console?" Donnie said, both unaware that the Technodrome had sensed their presences and secretly sent a tentacle towards Donnie and Mike, more appearing "Unfortunately, it's ocupado." Donnie said as he pointed at the console, Polymath resting in his protective armor as he remained at the console.

But then, both went silent and looked at each other nervously as they heard the tentacle coming up from behind. It then strikes the pillar the two were hiding on and it caused them both to fall onto the ground, Mikey looking up in fear as Polymath turned to the two with a raised brow. "Uh, new plan." Mikey said, more tentacles appearing and heading towards the two to strike to them. "RUN!" Mikey yelled, both yelping as they ran and dodged the attacks meant for them.


Venus hid behind a pillar and looked around, making sure the hallway was clear. Ezra stood behind her in confusion before looking down the hall and raising a blunt brow at Venus. "Hey Mom? Y'know the only Krang that are alive currently are Huntress, Prime and Polymath. Right?" Ezra said and walked through the hall without a care, something that confused Venus as she pulled herself from her hiding place. "Who are those guys? Wait, are they the Krang names?" Venus asked as she walked side-by-side with Ezra. "Sorta. In the future, we figured it be easier to identify one of the Krang by a simple name. Huntress is the crazy lady one, Polymath is the silent short on and Prime is last one." Ezra said with a shrug and kept walking. "Huh, that's actually a smart idea." Venus said with a smirk, but Ezra looked at the ground. "But wait, how do you know that there's only three?" Venus asked as she turned to Ezra. "Because the others died in the prison dimension. That and it was empty in the ship, apart from the infected humans, yokai or mutants that roamed around here to work on the ship and serve Prime." Ezra said.

"So, is that why you know which way we're going?" Venus asked, Ezra frowned and looked ahead, the hall being lit by a few lights that hung on the walls. "Not really. Polymath would pull me out of this tank I'd get frozen in, just so he could train me every now and then and make sure the tank didn't lose its power and freeze me to death." Ezra said, then he stopped in front of a closed door and frowned, something Venus noticed and looked up. "Hey..." Venus said as she looked at Ezra with a kind smile, Ezra looked at her with a tired frown. "We can wait before going in... it's not like Donnie and Mikey will gain control of the ship within seconds." Venus said, but Ezra looked ahead with a glare. "We don't have time for me to mentally prepare myself. I knew what I was getting myself into when I suggested saving younger me." Ezra said and rose his hand to a pad to open the door, only for Venus to grab his wrist. Ezra was about to yell at his mother to stop and let him go, until he saw Venus grab his mask with her free hand.

"In the future, no one told you who this mask actually belonged to or what that person did in the past, did they?" Venus asked with a sad frown as she held the mask in both hands. Ezra turned to Venus with confusion. She held the mask up to face Ezra and frowned at her future son. "This mask did belong to a unhinged warrior, one that was an assassin and was force to kill many. Even her lover who did everything she could to care for the assassin." Venus said and then put the mask onto her face. "This mask belonged to me when I was younger than you, I was lied to, experimented on, sold and left behind twice." Venus said, Ezra looking at her in shock as Venus stayed still for a moment. "So, when I say to wait, it's not because I think you need a moment, it's because I know you need a moment." Venus said and pulled off the mask and held it in her hands. "This mask is nailed to my wall, and I use it to remind myself that the old version who wore this mask every hour of every day and night is gone." Ezra frowned and held her wrist, both looked at each other. "Maybe that was why you were so patient with me, because you knew. I always wondered where you got those scars, but I just assumed you got them from the Krang."

"Hey, this isn't about me. I just wanted you to know that I can relate and that you can't rush into things that you think aren't important or terrible." Venus said, trying to switch the subject as she put the mask back onto Ezras head and held the fox's shoulders. "So... I'm gonna ask again, do you want to wait to try and prepare yourself?" Venus asked, Ezra looked at the ground for a moment and then turned to the door, staying silent. "I guess.... one minute couldn't hurt." Ezra said, the answer made Venus smile.

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