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Good morning LORD, I love you. Thank you for a pleasant night. Today is a new day, a day you have shown your faithfulness again and we say thank you. I pray your spirit would move over this publication in Jesus Name, Amen.
Today we would be talking about Jesus dividing five loaves of bread and two fishes to five thousand people.

First of all I would like to start with forefather Adam, it dwelled on me that when God gave Adam authority over the fishes of the sea, birds of the air and the earth that he didn't understand the influence of that. It was just like someone had a very influential position but didn't know how to use it. It was like someone had an office but is not functioning, he could have saved himself by rebuking the offer made by Eve.
He was the man, he was the head. And is over the woman. He surely could have exercised his authority over that, I mean this is the woman he named! but someone didn't understand the power of dominion( Talking about dominion self is far, if he understand his place as head then he could have rebuked it but love made him accept the offer made by Eve).

We really cannot know all of God, never ever
That why he beseeches us to come deeper even when we think we have reached the deepest:
What I just found out is mind shocking; see the book of Genesis 3 vs 22 AMP after man sinned

And the Lord God said, Behold, the man has become like one of Us [the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit]....

God already gave man dominion but when he sinned God said the above.... that man now is like the father the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Forget what follows that scripture I'm just trying to emphasize that if man was that after sinning, what was he before he did, because God created us in his image and he gave us authority! For me that emphasizes on our gift of Authority!

Note I am not in any way trying to justify Adams act, forgive me if it sounds like....

I'm just trying to Say that all that God gave Adam was not all he wanted to give , and lack of understanding brought us where we are today! If he was all that after sinning then what exactly was he before sinning? God pro max it what?! 😂 Oh Lord save me.
There are people who use the LORD Jesus as a means for breakthrough, they can pray and make promises but when they get that thing they depart and GOD has to ask the question he asked Adam... "where are you?"
But do you realize that all that God gave you is not all he wants to give you, but greed, lack of understanding and wisdom made you turn your back!

Do you know that even as God had given Abraham dominion over the earth that wasn't all he wanted to give him? Would you believe?

The LORD Jesus Christ expressed in a mystery I'm about the unlock now. I pray LORD that you open the eyes of your people to the light of this word.

The LORD Jesus Christ distributed five loaves of bread and two fishes to five thousand people. Yes he thanked God.
He thanked God for provision and God multiplied the food. Do you think the LORD Jesus thanked God for provision, because he knew he could multiply it, there's something in the LORD Jesus that cannot be easily understood unless with the help of the Holy Spirit.
For me I believe he thanked God, because he knows the power of dominion would take place in the feast!! Common! He knew😭 of course he knew

I know my papa would give me whatever I ask for that's why I would thank him, sing him praises first before even laying my request, because in faith we know that it would happen, and we understand that as it is done in heaven so shall it be done on earth! The heavens don't lack so we shall never lack! So my LORD Jesus knew what he did when he thanked God.

See an example, A guy has a plate of food, but there are five people hungry, it's possible that they fight because of that food. But this mature one shows dominion over that food by love and says I would share with you, I wouldn't let this food have control over me because it is subject to me... No that's not possible.

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