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Good morning LORD, I pray that your spirit shall move upon this publication and do Justice to it in Jesus name. Amen.

Hello People today we would be talking about the EYES.

The eyes one other lively being
It is an active being, a very active being!

It's light...The eye is a reflection of whatever one might be passing through.
It's an illumination
You find the truth in the eyes

You find the fact in the eyes

Lies, love, even pretense you find them all in the eyes.

Get hold of the eyes you find the Truth...The eyes is a building

And it's sweet that the Bible attaches ones liberty to the state of the eyes... See

Matthew 6.22
"The light of the body is the eye: if therefore Thine eye be single, they whole body shall be full of light
But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!"

Now, discern and interpret what the eyes reflects

The Bible says  test all spirits

1 John 4 vs 1
"Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits... this makes me make reference to 1 kings 13 vs 18 God had asked this Prophet not to eat or drink but here comes another Prophet luring him to come eat in his home saying "I am a Prophet as Thou art" yea he was a Prophet as the other, A Prophet Of God I suppose because by the word of God  he prophesied the mans death and it came to pass.
Now this is spirit of the Prophet testing another  Prophet...If the first Prophet has tested the aim of the spirit which was a trial he should not have eaten and drank from him! He would not have died!

Test All Spirit!

Now for me I think this is easy...You might go extreme in testing the spirits

But if the Bible says that the eyes can be light and the eyes can be darkness

Common when you see the eyes and what breed it is off...You can imagine what comes out of someone  like... Now I'm writing and I realized that there's just one thing inspired this write up

Some of you have been with  people for  too long you have been dead to discernment...You can't even see the truth the eyes illuminates

I mean when ones drinks irresponsibly you can tell from the color of the eyes and you can say this person drinks!

You make yourselves slaves to emotions... Na emotions cannot be over spirituality or truth!

Apostle Arome in his preaching... Preached against it saying that's when the devil comes to take advantage of you, I mean you let your heart feeble so the devil comes to stir it up...Now you see that in the story of A certain King in the Bible who in an event asked that his daughter makes a request which he would unfailingly grant (why? Because he was pleased at her performance in the event... Jezebel!) and this woman asked for the head of John the Baptist, The king couldn't take his words back,  he summited himself to emotions... You know saying that "you shouldn't make promises when you're happy?"

When you get emotional you're blind... You can be touched by certain things but my dear not to your detriment!

The eyes is a very powerful Organ in the body of Christ...Now in reference to my previous topic how is it that the Holy Spirit can lead you even with your eyes closed?

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