He's Not Your Friend

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A few days have passed and Izuku has not seen Toga in person for quite a while but they constantly keep in touch with each other by texting and having late night conversations, ever since Toga came into Izuku's life he's felt happier and has forgotten about All Might words, he even removed all of his All Might posters and put them in a box along with his All Might figures as well, but even though he got rid of all of his All Might stuff and forgot about him, the two bullies at school kept reminding him about All Might and how pathetic he was to think you can be a hero, but one day the bullies suddenly stopped for some reason and Izuku had no clue why they did, but now knowing that they weren't going to bother him anymore he was fine without knowing why they stopped, so now that he wasn't getting bullied on a daily basis Izuku what's pretty happy to go to school, but a problem soon came to him which was deciding of a high school that he will be attending next year, so as Izuku was in his room sitting at his desk where he stared at the sheet of paper that he had to write down his choice of school he began wondering what school should even choose.


Hmmm, what school should I join?"

From saying that he knew it sounded like a simple question but to him it was more complicated than that, and the reason why it was complicated was because you only had one school in his mind and that was UA high, the hero school he always dreamed of going someday, but he knew that if he tried attempting to do the entrance exam at UA, he will surely fail, so he was on a fence between UA and another school that he hasn't decided yet."


"(Sigh) this is a lot more difficult than I thought, good thing the teacher allowed me to think of my decision over the weekend."

So to look for a good school to attend, Izuku grab this phone and was going to search for high rated high schools, but before you can even start searching a message from Toga popped up on his phone, so he cooked on it and began reading her message.

~Toga's text message~

"Hi Izuku, what are you doing right now?"

After reading Toga's text, Izuku replies with his own.

~Izuku's text message~

"Nothing at all."

~Toga's text message~

"Good, then let's meet up."

~Izuku's text message~


~Toga's text message~

"Yes now, I really want to see you."

Izuku thought about this long and hard but eventually made his decision.

~Izuku's text message~

"Okay, I'll meet you at the park bench we usually meet at."

~Toga's text message~

"Kay, see you then."

~Izuku's text message~

"Yeah you too."

After sending that message, Izuku stepped out of his room and goes to the front door where he began to put his shoes on, but as he was doing that he suddenly heard his mom say his name.



Izuku looks over his shoulder and sees his mom.


"Where are you going?"


"I'm going to meet a friend."

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