#Her addiction

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Jin : na-ah no!

Quickly, the package was snatched by Jin and was placed back in the aisle. The person frowns, confused.

Jimin : what? Why??
Jin : we are not getting chocolate today!
Jimin : but why not?? That's for y/n!
Jin : she can't have any more chocolate from now on.
Jimin : but why?! She loves chocolate!
Jin : she's obsessed with chocolate!

Jin quickly corrects Jimin, raising his one finger up with a serious face.

Jin : and peanut butter.
Jimin : and what?? We all have our personal obsession.
Jin : can't you see?! She's crazy about this!!

True, some people do have something they're obsessed with, whether it's good or bad. Well, judging by Jin's stressed face, explains that their sister's obsession is NOT a healthy one.

Our little y/n has an obsession of chocolate and peanut butter. Y/n is a big eater, she's also very adventurous to try new foods. However, chocolate and peanut butter are her top favourite.

How bad is her obsession?? Well...

She can devour an entire bar of chocolate in a day, and on the same day, she would eat peanut butter sandwiches, PB and crackers or sometimes just licking a spoonful of the PB itself. Sometimes she would combine chocolate and pb together.

It's normal right?? No. Especially for someone so young like y/n, to be devouring these snack daily.

Jin : she should be restricted from snacking these up!
Jimin : won't she be upset about it?? She did asked us to buy chocolate before we left.
Jin : I know she will be sad, but it's for her own good. You know she can get sick if she eats too much of these.
Jimin : you're right...

Jimin agreed, despite feeling a little guilty for not getting what his sister needs. What Jin stated is true, y/n might fall sick for eating too much caffeine and sweets at such young age.

Jin : we're home!

Jin pushes the door and both enter the house with groceries in their hands. Taehyung gets up from the sofa and helps them out.

Tae : did you get Yeontan's food??
Jimin : yeah, but the brand is different. The brand you asked for was out of stock.
Tae : hah...

Taehyung takes out the can dog food and scans it. Meanwhile, a tiny head pops out from the kitchen counter before two hands holds the corner of the counter. Y/n appears and she looks up at the counter to see the groceries placed.

Her eyes sparkles and she quickly climb up the stool before pulling the grocery bag closer to her. Her hands pushes the other items inside, looking for a specific item she has been craving for the past few days.

However, the longer she search, she slowly lose hope. Her face frowns and she looks at her brother's who're busy keeping the groceries in the cabinets. She knows she has asked them to buy the item, so they couldn't forget it easily.

So she looks through it again, thinking she might have missed it. Jimin turns around from the cabinet and sees y/n going through the bag.

Jimin : what're you looking y/n-nie?

Y/n stops and motions with her hands and mouth.


Jin : I'm sorry y/n-nie, we didn't buy it.

Imagine a big arrows went through her chest, that's how shock y/n feels. She froze in her position.

Jin : we thought-
Jimin : we thought the chocolate was there but it ran out!!

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