Episode 66: Rematch of Earth and Peace

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I stood up as the literal dust settled on Lei and Alban's match

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I stood up as the literal dust settled on Lei and Alban's match.

"Take care out there," a voice called out. I turned. Vermeil walked toward us alongside Aria, Nyima, Yen, and Kun.

I grinned. "Thanks, Vermeil."

She lowered her head and fidgeted. "No need."

Sarah grabbed my hand and moved her finger across it. It was a bit hard to understand as I wasn't the most literate person. All of my reading skills came from what Mom and Sis taught me as a little kid. In Aief, all we had to read were spell scrolls, and even most didn't get access to those. Everything else was seen as useless drivel or, worse, mind rotting. 

Despite that, I liked spending my time reading the books my sister and Ning had gotten me from the outside world, as well as any non-spell scrolls I could get my hands on. I probably read them a thousand times each. They helped keep the loneliness away.

Ning leaned forward, staring at my furrowed eyes. "She wrote, 'Take care not to push yourself," she whispered.

I closed my eyes and smiled. "I see. Don't worry, I will!"

Sarah furrowed her brow. I wasn't sure if it was because of my struggle to understand her or because she doubted me. Maybe a mix of both.

I frowned. "Come on, don't look at me like that."

Hal crossed his arms. "I can't blame her after what you pulled in our match."

Xue sighed. "Nor can I."

If only I could take it easy. I had to find out what Kun knew about my sis. The only way I can get him to speak is to beat him again.

Kun smiled uneasily. "Why are you glaring at me?"

I scoffed. "Think you know why."

He turned around and shrugged. "Hey, Lei! Nice job out there!"

Lei grinned. "Good luck, bro. Uh, you too An!"

Yen narrowed her eyes at her youngest triplet. "Wait, why did you seem more upbeat about cheering for Nyima?"

Kun grinned. "Maybe Ny does have a shot."

"Kun, if An doesn't beat you too badly, want to battle me next?" Adela asked, grinning creepily.

Yuzuki chuckled. "Or me."

Nyima sighed even as she blushed. "Kun says silly things."

"True. He has always been a clown." Yuzu snickered. "But that's what makes him Kun."

Kun chuckled and cartwheeled down the stairs.

"Those are some moves," Arima said, eyes wide.

"A real circus clown," Aban mumbled as he stood behind Lei.

Lei and Yen snickered. "He does say he wants to join the circus."

I scratched my head. "Uh, what's a circus?"

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