beach day - hyewon

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"so hyejoo, what should we do today?" gowon asked while looking in her closet to find something to wear. "hmm what about we hang out with chuu and yves?" hyejoo hesitantly suggested. gowon thought about it than replied, "but i want to have alone timeee" gowon whined. hyejoo laughed and sat up from their bed, "fine how about we go to the beach? its already so hot and its still the morning" hyejoo said. gowon turned around and agreed with her gummy smile showing. "but first i need to eat breakfast." hyejoo groaned patting her stomach.

hyejoo went to the kitched and gowon followed. "hey let me cook for once!" gowon said, hyejoo turned around at her, "didn't you almost burn down vivi and haseul's dorm when you were trying to make cupcakes with vivi..?" hyejoo said like it was very obvious why she shouldnt be able to be in the kitchen. "ah.. oh right.." gowon said looking at the ground remembering what happen at vivi and haseul's dorm. "its okay just sit here and i'll cook an omelet for us" hyejoo said with a slight smile patting the kitchen counter. gowon tried to hop up but she was to small, "hyejoo helppppp" gowon whined. hyejoo laughed at her but lifted her onto the counter and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

after breakfast they were choosing what bathing suits to wear to the beach. "hyejoo should i wear this one or.. this one?" gowon said while holding up a blue bikini, and in the other hand a light pink bikini. hyejoo thought for a moment and suggested the pink one. gowon smiled and went to change while hyejoo was decided what she would wear. gowon shyly walked through the bedroom door "hyejoo do i look okay..?" gowon said turning her head in embarrassment. hyejoo was shocked and blushed at the sight of gowons soft skin showing. "woah.. yes! yes you look amazing!" hyejoo stuttered while walking up to give gowon kisses. gowon blushed at hyejoo's compliments and put a grey shirt and black shorts over her bathing suit, so she could easily get into the water when they arrived. "gowon, which one would look nice?" hyejoo said while holding up a black bikini and a white one. gowon slightly blushed at the thought of hyejoo wearing these. "black one!" gowon replied smiling. hyejoo thanked her with a cheek kiss and went to get changed. hyejoo came out wearing a black shirt and denim shorts over her black bikini.

they were finally one there way to the beach, gowon was driving and hyejoo was in the passenger seat. hyejoo rested her hand on gowon's thigh and rubbed her leg with her thumb. gowon blushed but focused on driving to the beach.

"we are here!" gowon yelled excitedly. hyejoo looked around and smiled to see the incredible view of the beach. they grabbed their towels and basket and walked to the beach. gowon put their towels down on the warm sand and took of her shoes, hyejoo did the same. they both ran into the cool water, "ah! its cold!" gowon squealed. hyejoo giggled at her, she watched gowon as her beautiful blonde hair flowed in the breeze. "hey! you're staring!" gowon teased the younger girl. hyejoo snapped back into reality blushing more and splashed the older girl. "yah!" gowon shouted, hyejoo laughed.

they were both sitting on the warm sand while sharing airpods, valentine girl by LOONA 1/3 came on. "vivi, haseul, heejin and hyunjin's song! i love this!" gowon said excited. hyejoo just stared at her lovingly, gowon looked at hyejoo who was on her back staring at her. hyejoo turned her head away and covered her eyes with her arm. gowon giggled at hyejoo being shy. 'oh boy nae mameul' gowon quietly hummed to valentine girl. hyejoo heard and smiled at gowons soft voice. hyejoo leaned over and gave her a kiss on the cheek, gowon was a bit startled but then smiled, she then pointed to her lips. hyejoo understood and kissed gowon on the lips. "its getting late lets go back, okay?" hyejoo suggested.

(i hope everyone is enjoying this and sorry if its cringe 😣)

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