sports - 2jin

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"i'll be back, i'm gonna go practice basketball" hyunjin says picking up her bag. "can i come with you?" heejin asks. "are you sure?" hyunjin says. "you'll be alone otherwise and i want to spent time with you" heejin says smiling. hyunjin was surprised she even wanted to come with her but she allowed her to come. they stepped out of the dorm and began walking to the basket court that is closeby.

"all right we are here heejin" hyunjin says. they arrived at the court and luckly their was no one else there. "you can sit over there if you want to" hyunjin says pointing to a bench that was on the outside of the court. "sure, but i'll watch you play" heejin says, she kissed hyunjin and then sat over at the bench. hyunjin began shooting and she rarely ever missed, and especially because she wanted to impress heejin a bit. "wow you're really good at this" heejin says handing hyunjin a waterbottle. "thanks, do you wanna try?" hyunjin asks while still catching her breath. heejin was a little flustered because hyunjin looked really good. "i doubt i'll be any good but why not?" she says. hyunjin takes her hand and pulls her to the court.

"okay so just throw it and flick your wrist a bit" hyunjin explains. she had her hands on heejin, showing her the right way to throw the ball. "i think i know what to do?" heejin hesitated. heejin threw the ball. and she made it. "yay!" heejin says and runs to hug hyunjin. hyunjin was surprised but hugged her back. "heh good job" hyunjin says. heejin looked up and kissed hyunjin. hyunjin was surprised but kissed back. "i'm basically a professional basketball player now" heejin says proudly. "i think you would have to practice way more, and you're pretty lazy so i don't think so" hyunjin teased. "ahh be quiet let me enjoy my moment hyunjin" heejin whined. "let's go home its already 6pm" hyunjin says and holds heejin's hands.

(sorry this is so short but i hope you enjoyed!)

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