lonely bed - 2jin

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hyunjin always had quite a lot of work to complete, this made her have to stay up pretty late and finish it. but this also caused her girlfriend heejin to feel very lonely by herself in the appartment. hyunjin was in their study room a lot of the time. sometimes heejin would visit her, but she didn't want to disturb hyunjin's work.

it was around 7:30pm and heejin was really bored and feeling lonely without hyunjin. she decided to visit hyunjin in their study room. she knocks on the door 3 times. she enters to see hyunjin at her desk writing away. hyunjin glances at heejin, smiles then continues. heejin walks up to hyunjin who was sitting down. she asks if she can just sit on her lap while she works. hyunjin felt bad for leaving heejin alone many times so of course she said yes. heejin smiled and happily sat down facing hyunjin. she wrapped around hyunjin like a panda. heejin rested her head on hyunjins shoulder. after a while of sitting like that, heejin fell asleep.

around 15 minutes heejin woke up randomly, still wrapped around hyunjin. she lifted her head up and looked at hyunjin who was still concentrating on her work. "hey... you look pretty" heejin said quiet and softly. hyunjin didn't realise she was awake, "oh, you're awake?" hyunjin said, smiling a little at the compliment. heejin put her face into the crook of hyunjin's neck. hyunjin found it a little hard to concentrate with heejin's touch. heejin put her head up and kissed hyunjin around her neck and cheeks. hyunjin smiled and unexpectedly kissed heejin on the lips. usually heejin was the one to kiss first. heejin was surprised but loved it. hyunjin was also surprised at herself.

"i-i'm almost done working, i'll only be around 15 minutes, if you want you can go in our bed and wait, it might be more comfortable" hyunjin says. heejin didn't want to leave hyunjin's warmth but then again she wanted to get more comfortable. "okay, see you soon then" heejin says getting off of hyunjin's lap. before she closes the door she winks at hyunjin. hyunjin laughed quietly to herself. she quickly finished and got up and headed out the door. she quickly went to the bathroom and then went into their bedroom. she opened the door to see heejin practising guitar at her desk. "that sounds really pretty" hyunjin compliments her. heejin looks up and smiles brightly. "thank youuu" heejin says while pulling hyunjin's arm to sit down. heejin kisses her on the cheek. "sleep?" hyunjin suggested. heejin nodded her head quickly. they both got under the covers and got comfortable. hyunjin snuggled close to heejin. "i love you, goodnight" hyunjin said. "i love you tooo" heejin says, wrapping her arms around hyunjin and hugging her tightly. the fall asleep quickly after.

(this is a little similar to another oneshot i did, except this is 2jin!! 😆)

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