not so tough - hyewon

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hyeju and chaewon had been dating for 3 months now, except they couldn't show it at school because of their reputation, they were known as enemies.

"Good morning class, we are going to do partner activities today" mrs jo explained, "i will be choosing the pairs though, sorry everyone". the class groaned. "jungeun and jinsoul" she called out. "yeojin and yerim" mrs jo continued until only 2 people were left. "and finally, hyeju and chaewon" she told the students what to do and went back to her desk. chaewon stood up and acted upset about being partnered with hyeju. "hey rival" hyeju smirks. chaewon rolls her eyes and laughs quietly. they secretly intertwine hands under the desk and continue their work. they finished just before the bell. "good work class, you may go" mrs jo dismissed the students. all of them rushed out. hyeju and gowon smiled at each other before they left to go to their friends.

"chaewon!!" yeojin yelled as she jumped to her side.
"you waited for me, thanks" chaewon smiles.
"ugh its hyeju, why is she approaching us" yeojin rolls her eyes.
hyeju stands infront of the pair. "just wanted to tell you that you're shoes are untied" she smirks. "don't want you falling over like last time." chaewon gets flashbacks from when she fell over while receiving an award infront of the entire school. "yah go away hyeju!" yeojin pushes her away. hyeju's laughter gets quieter as the pair walks away. chaewon doesn't bother saying anything back to hyeju, because everytime she tries to embarrass her, it never works.

'why is she so tough?' she thought.


the next day everyone was staring at hyeju as she walks through the halls. chaewon noticed from her locker. "hey jiwoo do you know why everyone is staring at hyeju?" she asks.
"you haven't heard?" jiwoo gasps,
she pulls her phone out and shows chaewon a picture. it was of text messages between hyeju and her mother.

'son hyeju where are you.'

'i'm at sooyoung's house"

'who said you could go there? come home now.'

'i'm 18, do i need your permission for everything?'

'come home now.'
'you never listen to me.'

'i wish you were more like other kids'

'you're a fucking mistake.'

chaewon gasped. "i didn't know she had such bad family issues".
"i know right?" jiwoo agrees.
"why would her mother say that to her?" chaewon looked over at hyeju. she had her head lowered and looked very tense. she saw a random boy approach her. "hey hyeju, does your mum hate you or something." he chuckles.  before hyeju can reply she see's a familiar figure infront of her.
"mind your business dumbass" chaewon steps in. she grabs hyeju's hand and takes her outside the school, where it was quiet and empty. "hey i'm so sorry about what happened, are you alright?" chaewon asks.
"i don't know.. thank you for telling that asshole to go away" hyeju thanks her.
"want to skip school and go to my place? i have my own apartment" chaewon asks smiling.
hyeju nods her head as a smile spreads across her face.

they intertwine fingers and walk to chaewon's appartment. they chatted slightly throughout the trip. "here we are, sorry if it's messy, i am roommates with sooyoung and jiwoo" chaewon warns. hyeju assures chaewon that she's seen jinsoul's jungle of a bedroom. they walk in a head to the couch. "want a lemonade?" chaewon offers and grabs drinks from the fridge.
"sure, thank you" hyeju takes the drink and kisses her check. they talk about stuff for awhile. "hey.. chaewon?"
"can i stay at you're house for a little bit..?" hyeju hesitantly asks.
"of course, stay as long as you need, you might want to sneak in and get clothes from your house though.. i think my clothes would be to small.." she smiles.
"right, i'll sneak in when my mum leaves for work" hyeju winks.
chaewon laughs.

(i'm very shit at writing sorry for these)

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