science partners - hyewon

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"yo hyejoo! what class do you have?" ha sooyoung asks her best friend. "oh i just have science" replies hyejoo. "ah good luck, we have to do partner work" sooyoung pats her shoulder. they part ways. hyejoo heads to her classroom. she walks in and sits down. "all right class, so i'm going to put you in pairs to work on this science project" the teacher announced. "jungeun and jinsoul..." he continued, "...chaewon and hyejoo". hyejoo scanned the room and locked eyes with chaewon. chaewon waved shyly. hyejoo waved back. class ended. chaewon walked over to hyejoo, "hi, so since we are partners i was just wondering if i could get your number so we could possibly meet up sometime to work on this." chaewon asked looking down slightly. hyejoo turned to face her, "oh yeah here" she quickly grabbed a piece of paper and wrote her number on it. chaewon thanked her and they left.

"so who's your partner?" sooyoung asked. "chaewon, y'know the shy one" hyejoo answered. "ah yes, apparently shes pretty smart so thats good" sooyoung says taking a bite of her sandwich. the day ends and hyejoo walks home. "hey dad i'm home" she said. her dad said hello then went back to his desk to work. hyejoo headed to her room. she received a text an hour later. it was chaewon.

hey it's chaewon want to go to the library tomorrow after school so we can start? ^^

yes sounds good :]

hyejoo put her phone down and went to sleep. the next morning she got ready and walked to school. she greeted sooyoung and went to her first class, history. it thankfully ended quickly and hyejoo tracked down sooyoung. they ate together and entered their second class of the day, it was english, they liked english because they had each other in that class. they finished the rest of their classes for the rest of the day. "hey hyejoo wanna hangout?" sooyoung asks. "ah sorry but i got to work on the project with chaewon" hyejoo declines. "aw fine then, hopefully jiwoo is free" sooyoung left to find her. hyejoo headed to the library to meet chaewon.

she entered the library and searched for chaewon. hyejoo eventually found her. "hey sorry for the wait" hyejoo apologised. "oh no, its okay" chaewon smiled. hyejoo was a little surprised at how beautiful her smile was. she suddenly got shy around chaewon. "is something wrong hyejoo?" she asked.
"oh, no nothings wrong sorry" she laughed slightly. they began working on the project but hyejoo couldn't really focus on anything but chaewon. chaewon caught her starring. "what are you looking at?" she teased.
"you" hyejoo responded resting her head on her hands. they both smiled. "what's so interesting on my face that makes you not complete any work?" chaewon laughed.
"you're beauty" they both cringed and laughed together.
"that was too cheesy" chaewon smiled. they spent the rest of the day finishing their work and talking.
"hey do you wanna come to my place?" hyejoo asks.
"sure" chaewon says with a smile.

(sorry if it ended a little unexpected)

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