call - chuuves

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sooyoung picked up her phone and called jiwoo. someone answered. "hii sooyoung" jiwoo's mum said over the phone. "oh hi ms kim!" sooyoung was surprised to be greeted by her gf's mum. "how are you dear?" jiwoo's mum asked. "i've been great, what about you?" sooyoung chuckled. "ah yes i've been good, jiwoo has been talking about you a lot recently" ms kim laughed. "hah has she?" sooyoung smiled. "oh yes, nonstop, she always talks about yo-" "Mum what are you doing?" sooyoung hears a familiar voice from the phone. "oh jiwoo, i'm speaking to my bestfriend" ms kim laughed. jiwoo takes her phone back. she hears sooyoung laughing. "sooyoung?!" jiwoo becomes embarrassed. "hii jiwooo" sooyoung greets jiwoo still laughing. "ahh did she call you?" jiwoo asks. "oh no i called, i was wondering if you wanted to come over to my apartment" sooyoung smiled. "yes please" jiwoo giggled. they said goodbye and sooyoung hung up.

"hey mum, sooyoung invited me over, i'll see you later or.. maybe even tomorrow, bye!" jiwoo smiled and waved goodbye. "tell her i said she can come over whenever she wants, shes a lovely person" jiwoo's mum smiled. "yes i will" jiwoo rolled her eyes. jiwoo left and rode her bike to sooyoung's apartment which wasn't very far. she arrived and knocked on the door twice. sooyoung quickly opened the door to see jiwoo at the door smiling. sooyoung pulled her into a hug and let her inside. "i haven't been to your apartment in awhile, it looks nice" jiwoo complimented sooyoung. she thanked jiwoo. she shuffled over to sooyoung and kissed her. they decided to watch a movie together. they lay on the couch and put on a random netflix movie. jiwoo lied on top of sooyoung, resting her head on sooyoung's chest. jiwoo got a little bored of the movie and began kissing sooyoung up her neck. she was flustered by jiwoo's actions. jiwoo reached sooyoungs lips. they kissed. it became more passionate as it went on. "lets go to my room, okay?" sooyoung smirked. jiwoo quickly hopped up and followed her in the bedroom. jiwoo did end up staying the night at sooyoungs.

(i'll leave it at that🤭)

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