captains - 2jin

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"congrats captain heejin!" jiwoo laughed. "i can't believe i'm finally the captain of music now" heejin smiled. they both walked together to their lockers. they saw a figure walk down the hallway, it was kim hyunjin. she was one of the most popular girls in school. she was nice and didn't understand why she was so popular. "hey hyunjin is captain of the soccer team right?" jiwoo asked closing her locker. "yeah why do you ask?" heejin stared at her confused. "well since you're both captains, won't you two be working together aswell as the other captains?" jiwoo says. "yeah, so what?" heejin raised an eyebrow. "i mean, you could try shoot your shot" jiwoo smirked. "what? no way! how did you even know i liked her?" heejin questioned jiwoo. "i have my ways" she winked. "so chaewon told you?" heejin sighed. jiwoo nodded and ran off to her class. heejin also went to her class.

"can all the captains please meet in classroom F5 please, thank you" the speaker said in the middle of class. heejin left after class and headed to the classroom. she walked in. heejin saw some others in the classroom waiting. jinsoul, captain of the math club and kimlip, captain of the writing club. she smiled at them and sat down. later on, everyone had arrived except one captain. "does anyone know where kim hyunjin is.." the teacher asks slightly annoyed. "kahei do you know?" the teacher asks. she shakes her head. suddenly hyunjin rushes through the door. "ah sorry sir....i had to finish my work.." she apologised and quickly sat down. right next to heejin. heejin was surprised but tried her best to hide it. "okay since hyunjin finally joined us, i will explain what i need from you guys," he continued, "pair up with whoever you're next to and survey some students on whether they want soccer or football goals but on the oval." all the students nodded.

heejin was slightly panicking because she had to work with the kim hyunjin. hyunjin turned to her and smiled. "hello, i'm hyunjin, you are heejin right?" she says. "ah yes i am" heejin was shocked that she knew her name. the teacher hands every pair a clipboard with a piece of paper for them to write the results of the survey. "its lunch, want to go ask people around?" hyunjin asks. "oh okay sure!" heejin smiles. the pair walk around for awhile and collect enough results. they chat while walking back to the teacher's office. "sooo, are you busy friday afternoon?" hyunjin asks smiling. "no why? are you asking me out for dinner?" heejin teases her. "yes, maybe i am" they both laugh and hand in the results. "hey turns out nobody really wants rugby goals" heejin says. "yeah because soccer is better" hyunjin, the soccer captain smirks. they say goodbye and wait to see each other on friday.

(sorry if this is boringgg and has any mistakes!)

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