games - hyewon

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"hah! i win again!!" hyejoo brags while jumping up and down on the couch. "ah! no fair! you cheated!!" gowon whines. "i didn't cheat, i'm just better than you at this" hyejoo said while holding gowons chin up. she then gave her a short kiss on the lips. gowon was thinking so hard on how hyejoo was beating her and how she could win. she then thought of a great plan.

"okay fine! one more round" gowon says with a little smirk because she knew her plan would work. they started the new round of mario kart. gowon put her hand down on hyejoo's thigh and began slightly rubbing it with her hand. hyejoo was quite startled and she was blushing. gowon glanced at her and smirked, she then leaned in and gave her a kiss on the neck while still peering at the TV screen so she could still win. "ay! gowon i know what you're doing!" hyejoo yelled while trying to stay focus but it was incredibly hard when gowon was kissing and touching her. "whattt? im not doing anything" gowon laughed.

hyejoo took her eyes off the TV to tell gowon to not distract her, but then gowon won the race! "what..! gowon!! you cheater!" hyejoo yells. gowon just giggled and celebrated by jumping around the room. she then sat on hyejoo's lap "sorry! but it was the only way i could win." gowon said with a wink, hyejoo blushed and kissed her on the cheek and then all over her face. gowon tried to avoid hyejoo's shower of kisses but it was to hard. "ahhh! hyejoo to many kisses!" gowon laughed. they spent the rest of the afteroon cuddling and watching netflix.

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