new kid - 2jin

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hyunjin pov

"okay class we have a new student, please make heejin feel welcomed." the teacher said. a pretty blonde girl walked into the classroom and introduced herself. "hi my name is jeon heejin" she smiled. the teacher assigned her to sit infront of me. she smiled at me once again as she sat down. wow her smile was really beautiful. the lesson continued like normal, she seemed to pay attention well. the bell rang and many students flooded out of the classrooms, i would of done the same except my teacher called me back. "hyunjin!" i turned around and went to him. "can you please show heejin around the school after your last class?" he asks. i always get asked to do stuff like this, i'm not sure why they don't ask the student council president haseul to do this stuff. "yeah of course sir" i respond.

when the bell rang i walked over to desk were heejin was still packing her back. "hey i'll show you around the school okay?" i said.
heejin looked up with big eyes and nodded. "oh my name is kim hyunjin by the way." i introduced myself. "thank you for showing me around hyunjin" heejin smiled. wow her smile is seriously so pretty. "yeah no problem" i say. i showed heejin all around the school.
"and yeah that's about it" i say after finishing my tour. "ah thank you" she says in her deepish voice. "oh! do you think we could be friends?" heejin asks. "yeah sure" i responded.
"yay! could i have your phone number?" she asks. "ah right yes" i typed my number into her phone.

hyunjin woke up the next day and hopped on the bus she catchs everyday to school. except she saw a familiar figure looking distressed. "heejin are you alright?" she asks. "ah hi yes, i was just confused if i was on the right bus or not but since you're here i must be" heejin smiled.
"here, sit down" hyunjin pats the seat next to her. heejin sits down and starts chatting to hyunjin; who just listens. their journey came to an end once their bus arrived at school. they walked into school together and sat outside waiting for class to start. they were getting more comfortable with each other the more they spoke.

class started and they walked in together. heejin sat in her assigned seat infront of hyunjin. "all right class so for this task please get into pairs". the teacher said. heejin immediately turned around and smiled at hyunjin. she pulled her chair around to face the taller girls desk. "who said you're my partner?" hyunjin teased. heejin just rolled her eyes and got her pens out. they began working on their work, but still chatting of course. class ended and they packed up their bags and walked to their lunch area.

"do you have any other friends hyunjin?" heejin asks while taking a bite of her sandwich.
"oh yeah i do but they all hang out with their girlfriends and i dont want to feel like the third wheel.." she responds.
"ah yeah that makes sense" heejin says still eating her sandwich. half way through lunch someone approached hyunjin and heejin. "hey hyunjin! who's this?" jinsoul asks.
"oh hi jinsoul, this is heejin she's new here"
"ah okay hi nice to meet you" jinsoul smiled
"nice to meet you too" heejin smiled back.
"so why'd you come over?"
"oh i just thought you got a girlfriend finally or something" jinsoul laughed.
"shut up..." hyunjin pushed her slightly. heejin just sat there slightly flustered by what jinsoul said. heejin thought hyunjin was really pretty as well but she didnt think she liked her like that. and she definitely didnt think hyunjin would ever like her romanticly.

the pair caught the bus home together. they continued chatting the whole bus ride. the bus hit an unexpected stop. this caused heejin to shove into hyunjin. their faces were really close together for a moment until heejin pulled herself back quickly. "ah sorry.." she apologised. "its okay" hyunjin smiled, a little flustered. they hopped off the bus at their stop and walked together. they found out they lived really close. heejin hugged hyunjin and said goodbye. "i'll text you later!" heejin shouts as she walked away towards her home. hyunjin nods and walks to her house.

heyy hyunjin!

hello heejin

since its the weekend tomorrow, do you want to meet up? :)


yay! okay i'll walk to your house then we can catch the bus to where i want to take you

okay sounds good

i'll be there at 1pm so be ready!

yes ma'am 🫡

hyunjin put her phone down and went down to eat dinner with her mum.
"so how was school honey?" she asked
"it was good, i'm hanging out with my new friend tomorrow." hyunjin replied.
"oh who is this friend?"
"shes new to the school, her name is heejin. i showed her around the school"
"aw lovely, good job for helping her"
"yeah i guess so"
they continued eating their dinner. after eating hyunjin washed the dishes for her mum and went back to her room. she felt excited to hangout with heejin.

heejin woke up the next morning at 9am she had a shower and had some breakfast. once it turned 1pm she began walking the 3 minute walk to hyunjin's house. she knocked. hyunjin opened the door. "lets go!" heejin said.
they began walking to the bus stop. once the bus arrived they hopped on and started talking. "so where are you taking me?" hyunjin asks.
"a cafe!" she smiled
"oooh sounds fun" hyunjin smiled back.
they made it to the cafe and sat down. "so what are you gonna order?" hyunjin asks.
"hmm pancakes and coffee!" heejin answers
"i want a bagel" hyunjin says.
they order and eventually eat their meals together. they go on a walk together.
"hey hyunjin?"
"can i tell you something?"
"yes of course what is it?"
"i know this is sudden but.. i have feelings for you" heejin finally got it off her chest. hyunjin stopped in her tracks and stared at heejin.
"really?" hyunjin says.
"yes for real" heejin says nervously
"i like you aswell"
"what really???" heejins eyes widened.
"yeah i thought you were so pretty when i first saw you, and you're also so kind"
heejin stood there very flustered. she snapped out of it and pulled hyunjin in for a hug. hyunjin happily hugged her back

(sorry if this is boring 🙇‍♀️)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2023 ⏰

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