burnt out - 2jin

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a tired heejin walked through the apartment door. she is greeted by her girlfriend hyunjin. "ah work is so tiring" heejin says while taking off her shoes. she then slowly makes her way to hyunjin who is just standing there. heejin wraps her arms around hyunjin. hyunjin slowly returns the hug, as it is not in her character to return hugs quickly. heejin just snuggled into hyunjin's neck.

"are you hungry?" hyunjin asks while taking heejin to the kitchen. "yes, i am starving" heejin says. hyunjin bends down to get a burger from the fridge that she had bought earlier for heejin. "you're the best" heejin says giving hyunjin a kiss on the lips. hyunjin flustered, just tells her to take a seat while she heats it up. heejin smiles and sits down at their dining table. hyunjin comes back quickly and places the plate infront of heejin. heejin starts to eat, hyunjin went behind her and gave her a massage. "ah hyunjin why are you so good to me?" heejin questions her. "shh just enjoy your food" hyunjin was becoming a little embarrassed by her kind actions but she continued. heejin finished her food, she stood up and turned around to hug and kiss hyunjin. heejin washed her dish and had a shower. heejin got in her pj's and sat on the couch with hyunjin. she leaned her head on hyunjin's shoulder.

"yah, your hair is still wet!" hyunjin says pushing heejin back a little. "aw come on its just water" heejin whines, "you're like a real cat" heejin laughed at her own comment. hyunjin just crossed her arms, she was not amused. "fine if your so worried about your shirt getting wet, you could just take it off" heejin says smirking. hyunjin was embarrassed, "ah be quiet!" she said while leaping onto heejin and covering her face with her hands. "ahhh hyunjin noo! i was kidding, don't kill me!" heejin says laughing. hyunjin sat up from heejin. "thanks for not killing me" heejin winks. hyunjin blushes but hides it. "come here" hyunjin says while removing her shirt, she was now in her pj pants and a bra. heejin was blushing like crazy, she didn't think hyunjin would actually take off her shirt. hyunjin lies down and pats her chest, indicating heejin to lay down and cuddle with her. heejin quickly lays down on top of hyunjin and snuggles into her chest. they end up falling asleep.

(i hope no one minds that i'm doing different loona ships and not just hyewon!)

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