babysitters - lipsoul

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"can i trust you two to take care of choerry for tonight?" haseul is still a little worried about letting jinsoul and kim lip take care of her 7 year old cousin, choerry. "you can trust us!" jinsoul reassures her. haseul nods and says goodbye to choerry before heading out the apartment door. "so choerry, what do you want to do first?" kim lip asks. the kid thinks for a moment before answering, "lets play hide & seek!" she smiles. they both nod. "okay jinsoul will count and we can go hide!" kim lip says before running off with choerry. giggles can be heard down the hallway. jinsoul begins counting.
10! here i come!"
jinsoul shouts from the living room. she can hear slight laughs from her shared bedroom with kim lip. slowly walking in she can see the closet door opened a bit. jinsoul decides to search the rest of the room and leave the closet for last. "hmm i wonder where they could be.." jinsoul says as she approaches the closet. she opens the door quickly. revealing a crouched kim lip and choerry. "found you!" jinsoul smiles proudly. choerry giggles. "my turn to count!" choerry yells and heads to the living room to count. kim lip and jinsoul rush into the bathroom and hide behind the door together. as they struggle to not laugh, they hear choerry finish counting. "here i come!!" she yells. jinsoul sneaks a kiss on kim lip's cheek while hiding. "yah jinsoul, do you want us to be found?" kim lip whispers. the couple hears choerry enter the bathroom. she searches behind the shower curtain than behind the door. "found you!" choerry laughs. they play a few more rounds until choerry gets hungry.

"what would you like to eat choerry?" kim lip asks.
kim lip wastes no time to put a packet of popcorn in the microwave. jinsoul and choerry head to the couch and look for something to watch. kim lip puts the popcorn in a bowl and heads back to the couch. she sits next to jinsoul and hands the bowl to her. they all begin watching 'the princess and the frog'. jinsoul intertwined her hands with kim lip's. choerry falls asleep comfortably towards the end of the movie. jinsoul also notices that kim lip has fallen asleep next to her. she turns off the tv and places the empty bowl on the side table. she then also quickly drifts off to sleep.


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