popular - 2jin

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kim hyunjin is a popular athlete, she is very focused on her work. well most of the time...
kim hyunjin is dating a very popular artist, jeon heejin. they have been dating for around 3 years. the media loves them. they love their fans so much aswell. but sometimes its hard to date while being watched by many fans and people. but they manage.

"hyunjin why is there only protein shakes everywhere? where is the milk" tired heejin grumbles around in the kitchen. hyunjin walks into the kitchen, and begins making a coffee for heejin so she can function. heejin just attaches herself to hyunjin's back like a koala. "here drink this" hyunjin hands her the coffee.
"thank youuu" heejin says and kisses hyunjin's cheek. heejin drinks her coffee peacefully at the kitchen counter. she watched has hyunjin began making a protein shake infront of her. "that stuff taste strange" heejin pointed to hyunjin's shake. "i think it taste quite good" hyunjin puts the cap on and sits next to heejin. heejin finishes her coffee and hids her face in hyunjin's side. afterwards she gets up and washes her cup, heejin then heads into her art room and finishes where she left off. she hears quiet footsteps approaching from behind her, "i'm going to the gym to train, i'll see you later" hyunjin kisses her cheek. heejin quickly spins around in her chair and grabs hyunjin's wrist. she pulls her closer and kisses her lips. a smile formed on hyunjins face, "bye see you later!" heejin smiles at her as hyunjin leaves.

1 hour passes.

heejin stretches and checks her phone for a few minutes, she see's new photos of hyunjin that paparazzi had taken of her while leaving the dorm building. because she was listening to music with her headphones on, she didn't realised a certain someone had come home. that someone walked into heejin's art room and sees what shes looking at. she smiles and taps heejin on the shoulder lightly. heejin jumped and dropped her phone, she calmed down when she turned around and saw hyunjin. "didn't know you were such a fan of me" hyunjin teases heejin. "nooo they just came up" heejin whines. heejin decides to have a break from painting and watch a movie with hyunjin instead. they both got comfy on the couch and began watching frozen 2.

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