outed - chuuves

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"hey jiwoo!" jiwoo's best friend heejin shouted from across the hall. she jolts her head and faces heejin. "so how is your sooyoung situation doing?" heejin raises her eyebrow. jiwoo shakes her head, "heejin she doesn't even know i like her, she is probably straight anyways" she frowned. heejin rolled her eyes, "when have you ever seen ha sooyoung date a dude?" she smirks. jiwoo does agree that its highly likely that sooyoung is a lesbian but she doesn't want to get ahead of herself. the bell rings and the pair head to their designated classrooms.

jiwoo pov

i sit down at my assigned seat in my english class, a certain someone quickly catches my eye. i watch as ha sooyoung sits down at her desk. how is my heart fluttering by just looking at her?? i notice that the teacher walked in so i began to pay attention, stealing glances at sooyoung aswell of course.

finally class ended. and we got to head to lunch. as i walked out of the classroom i felt stares burning into me. why is everybody looking at me? i rushed to the rooftop— where basically no one sits— to find heejin. i quickly went to our seating area and sat down next to my best friend. she looked a little tense. "hey heejin, do you know why it seemed like everyone was staring at me in the halls?" i asked, oblivious to the situation. "everyone knows jiwoo. someone outed you to the entire school.." heejin looked down frowning. i froze. my heart dropped. "did you tell anyone..?"
"no of course not! someone must of overheard one of our conversations" she suggests. this wouldn't be as much of a big deal if people at my school weren't so homophobic, but sadly many people are. oh my god, what if sooyoung thinks i'm disgusting.. thoughts linger in my mind.

the bell rang. jiwoo sighed. she was so scared of how people will act towards her. "don't worry jiwoo, i'll find out who did this." heejin said, determine to figure out who outed her best friend. heejin had a free period so hopefully she could find information.

jiwoo reluctantly headed to her science class. all eyes were on her.
'what a freak'
'what the fuck is wrong with her?'
jiwoo heard as she sat at her desk. she kept her head down and tried not to listen to them. she heard footsteps approaching her desk. jiwoo looked up to see two girls in her class standing infront of her. "hey freak" one said.
"watch out, she might catch feelings for us" the other laughed. a figure appeared from behind the two girls. "leave her alone." a familiar voice scowled. jiwoo looked up to see the person she adored the most. "what are you going to do?" one of the girls said. sooyoung glared at the two mean girls. "do you want me to tell my dad about this situation?". sooyoung's dad was the principal of the school. the girls scoffed and finally left.

"sorry that they were bothering you" sooyoung sat down next to jiwoo. jiwoo slightly panicked but composed herself. "ah yeah, i guess you heard the news aswell.. thank you for helping me" jiwoo smiled. sooyoung smiled back. "i don't know why everyone cares about your sexuality.".

jiwoo pov

i can't believe she's sitting next to me right now. she is so kind, and beautiful. "if it makes you feel better, i'm not straight either" she smiled. i froze. i quickly snapped out of my thoughts. "oh okay, thank you" i say. we both begin to listen to our teacher. the lesson ends. "hey jiwoo, could i have your phone number?" sooyoung asks. of course i say yes and put my number into her phone. we both go our separate ways to head home.

overtime sooyoung and jiwoo began hanging speaking and hanging out more frequently. they developed a really close friendship. jiwoo's feelings were still at the back of her head though, she was scared to confess just incase it ruined what they have now. but one day after school she put that worry aside. the pair was finishing some work in the library after school had finished, so it was completely empty. they were seated at a table near the back of the library. "hey sooyoung" jiwoo said nervously, breaking the silence. sooyoung hummed in response and looked up. "i really need to get this off my chest.." jiwoo continued, "i've liked you for almost 2 years now, and its okay if you don't feel the same" jiwoo closes her eyes, waiting for a answer. she feels a hand go on top of her own. it was sooyoung. "i like you too" sooyoung smiles. jiwoo opened her eyes in shock. sooyoung leaned forward and kissed jiwoo's cheek. "i'm so happy" jiwoo giggled.
"me too" sooyoung smiled.

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