broken arm - lipsoul

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"jinsoul you really don't have to come over, i'll be okay you don't have to worry" kimlip spoke over the phone. "see you in 15 minutes" jinsoul says and hangs up quickly. kimlip sighed but smiled to the thought of jinsoul coming over. kimlip had broken her arm because someone had accidentally pushed her over in PE and she fell over. kimlip sat on the couch with her legs crossed waiting for jinsoul. she heard a knock at the door. she got up carefully and opened it. she immediately smiled when she saw jinsoul.

jinsoul gently pulled her into a hug. kimlip took jinsoul's arm and pulled her inside. "how is your arm?" jinsoul asks concerned. "its still pretty sore but you don't have to worry" kimlip reassures her. jinsoul still wanted to help her as much as she could. "here sit down, i'll make you some tea" jinsoul directed kimlip towards the couch. kimlip smiled and sat down on the couch again. "you really don't have too" she says. "but i want to" jinsoul smiled. kimlip gave up on trying to stop her. jinsoul came back shortly with 2 cups of tea. kimlip thanked her and kissed her cheek. jinsoul sat next to her on the couch. "wanna watch something?" jinsoul asks. kimlip nods. jinsoul picks kimlip's favourite movie. jinsoul quickly got up and got the candy that she brought with her from her bag and quickly ran back to the couch. everyone knows how much kim lip loved candy, so of course jinsoul bought it for her. kim lip gave her loads of kisses before snuggling into jinsoul's side. they both continued to watch the movie, it was the movie 'IT'. kim lip usually wasn't a fan of horror movies but she really enjoyed this one. "hey, he has a cast like you" jinsoul says while pointing to one of the characters. "ah, yeah he does" she smiled.

by the end of the movie jinsoul had fallen asleep. kimlip turned off the tv and fell asleep with jinsoul on the couch.

(i rewatched IT recently so i felt like adding something in :) also sorry this is so short!)

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