hangouts - chuuves

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"hey yves can i borrow your sweater?" chuu asks while walking around their room. "yeah of course, there is one in my closet" yves says, she was sitting on their bed playing with her phone. chuu smiles and rushes to grab the sweater. "thank youu!" chuu says, she then runs up to yves and kisses her all over her face. "ahh you're welcome chuu" yves says smiling. yves had faint lipstick marks all over her face, chuu just giggled and didn't tell her about it.

"yah! chuu what'd you do to my face!" yves says a few minutes later when she went to the bathroom. chuu just laughed and went to the bathroom and helped yves wash her face. "you didn't even tell meeee" yves said faking an angry face. chuu giggles. she whiped yves' face with a small towel, "there, all gone" she said smiling. yves smiled back and kissed chuu. they laughed and went to the kitchen.

"we should make brownies!" chuu says excitedly. "oo sure, sounds yummy" yves responds. they get all the ingredients out and start making them. chuu put the ingredients in a bowl and yves happily stirred it. yves dipped her finger in the mixture and whiped it on chuu's arm. "yah!! yves!" chuu squealed. she laughed at chuu. chuu got the mixture that was on her arm and whiped it onto yves' arm. "ah!" yves yelled. after running around with the mixture they finally managed to put it in the oven to bake. they both had mixture all over their arms. "we should probably go take a shower" chuu says. "together?" yves raised an eyebrow and smirked. "if you want to.." chuu says and drags her to the bathroom. they both got into the shower and helped each other wash their hair and arms. they flicked water with their hands in each others faces and laughed. "my eyes!" chuu says, she accidentally got shampoo in her eyes. yves helped her. they both continued showering. yves got a little flustered when she look more at chuu's body. chuu had been a little flustered the entire time. "have you been working out recently?" chuu asks while touching yves' upper arms. "yeah kinda" yves says smiling. "i can tell" chuu says giggling.

they finish up in the shower and go back to the kitchen, the brownies have 5 minutes left. "yay they aren't burnt!" chuu says while sitting on the counter. yves walks up to her and stands between chuu's legs. chuu wraps her arms around yves' neck. they makeout until they hear the timer go off. "heh we should get the brownies now" chuu says flustered. yves agrees. they get the brownies out and let them cool down for 10 minutes. they continue on where they left off earlier. "all right, shall we try one?" yves says still a little out of breath. "yes!" chuu shuffles off the counter and cuts the brownies into squares. "here you go" chuu says feeding yves a brownie. yves eyes widened, "mhm so good" she said. chuu quickly tried it too and had a similar reaction. after the ate some brownies they headed to their bedroom. chuu quickly fell asleep in yves' arms. yves kissed chuu's head and also fell asleep quickly after.

(idk what to call this oneshot but its chuuves 😁)

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