little arguements - chuuves

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"come on chuu we have to practice for our comeback" yves says to chuu, who is refusing to go. "nooo, i don't want to" chuu whines. "chuu come on get up" yves said in a serious tone. chuu slowly got up and walked to the door with her head down. yves sighed and followed her to their practice room where all the other members were waiting. the walk there was a bit tense, no one spoke and chuu kept her head lowered. yves felt a bit bad but she was still angry that chuu was being stubborn. they finally arrived.

"ah finally here you are" haseul says to them. "yeah sorry we had some trouble" yves said while slightly glaring at chuu. chuu knew that she was the 'trouble'. haseul was a little shocked at the two of them acting like this to each other. she walked over to vivi, hyejoo, heejin and kimlip. "hey guys, i think yves and chuu got into an argument.." haseul whispers. the members were also pretty shocked at the pair being cold to one another. "i wonder what they argued about?" kimlip asks. heejin is trying to think of what they would fight about. "anyways lets just ignore it and practice!" haseul says. they all agree.

"all right guys, let's practice flip that!" haseul says. the members agreed and got into their positions. throughout the dance it felt a little tense, for all of the members. they weren't used to yves and chuu arguing. but after awhile haseul decided to end practice, "good job girls! everyone can go back to the dorm now" she says. the members cheer and start packing up. everyone was leaving. yves and chuu were the last ones in the practice room. chuu was going to leave when yves held her shoulder. chuu turned around and looked up at yves. "need something?" she asked a little bit coldly. "sorry for being harsh earlier, i know its hard to be constantly practicing" yves looked into chuu's eyes. chuu felt back aswell. "i'm so sorry for being stubborn!" chuu says and wraps her arms around yves. yves smiles and hugs chuu back. they were both happy and walked to the dorm. they walked through the door holding hands.

"do you guys make up already??" hyejoo asks. "how'd you know that we argued!?" chuu asks confused. "well for once you weren't attached to yves while practicing so that was strange" gowon says next to hyejoo. yeojin and choerry laugh at the couple being exposed. "whatever lets just go chuu" yves says dragging her into their bedroom.

(sorry this was so boring 🙁)

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