baking cookies - hyewon

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"hyejoo i'm hungry" gowon whines. hyejoo takes her eyes off her phone to look at gowon who is now sitting in her lap. hyejoo puts her hands on gowon's thighs, "hmm well do you want me to make us cookies?" hyejoo asks looking up at the older girl. "yes!" gowon says while hopping off hyejoo and helping her up from the couch. gowon skipped towards the kitchen while hyejoo followed. "okay so first of all, you are not allowed to touch the oven at all" hyejoo strictly says while staring into gowon's eyes. "aww fine.." gowon sighs, she doesn't try to argue because she knows hyejoo would win anyways. "here you can sit here okay?" hyejoo says while lifting gowon to sit on the counter.

hyejoo started making the cookie batter and whenever she had to walk past gowon to put something in the bin she would always give her a kiss. "here gowon you can try crack an egg if you want" hyejoo says. gowon quickly rushed over to hyejoo and took the egg from her. gowon tried to crack it put it slipped in her hands and fell on the wooden floor. "ah! noo i'm sorry hyejoo, it didn't spill on you did it?" gowon frantically asks her whiling checking for any egg that might of spilled on hyejoo. hyejoo just started laughing at gowon but then helped her clean it up. "maybe you should just stay seated on the counter again.." hyejoo teases. "ah, shush hyejoo" gowon whines. hyejoo put the cookie dough into the oven so it could cook. gowon was sitting on the counter with her legs open a bit. hyejoo walked up to gowon and stood in between her legs and gave her kisses. "why am i so bad at cooking" gowon whined to hyejoo, while she wrapped her arms around hyejoo's neck loosely. "its okay, you're way better at cleaning than i am" hyejoo said holding onto gowon's face. they waited until the oven finally beeped, which meant their cookies were done.

"ooh yay!" gowon says cheerfully. hyejoo moves away from gowon and grabs a oven mit so she can get the tray out of the oven. "stand back a bit gowon" hyejoo warns her before she opens the oven. she places the tray on the counter and tells gowon that they have to wait til they cool down. "hey lets chill on the couch until they arent so hot" hyejoo says. gowon agrees. hyejoo sits down first with her back against the arm of the couch. then gowon sits down ontop of her, she then leans down to give hyejoo many 'thank you' kisses for making them cookies. hyejoo laughs at the feeling of gowon's warm breath kissing her face, neck and hands.

15 minutes pass of just the two talking and being lovey-dovey with each other. they both remember the cookies and get up to try them. "i hope they taste good, sorry if they are bad" hyejoo says a bit nervous, she cooks for gowon a lot but she still feels nervous even if its just cookies. "oh come on, if you made them of course they will be yummy" gowon says kissing hyejoo's cheek. hyejoo smiles and hands gowon a chocolate chip cookie. they both take a bite and smile cause they taste really good. "woah! this is so good hyejoo!" gowon says amazed. "ah thank you" hyejoo responds rubbing some chocolate off of gowon's mouth. they both smile at each other.

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