Chapter 1- the fall

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^ Scarlett above (via @bryant insta)
*Scarletts pov*

"Celeste stop" I laugh.

"What I didn't do anything wrong" she flashes her eyebrows at me and gave me such a innocent smile for such a uninnocent child.

Anyways if your wondering who I am well I'm Scarlett. Scarlett Rose Banes. Im just a girl that was born in Portland Oregon in the valleys and fields with the horses. I moved to La California when I got a Modeling job for Hollister, I couldn't pass that up especially since I'm 19 and need to be on my own in the real world.

Well for my appearance in just a blondie with wavy hair with light brown eyes. I have I guess a toned body. People call me the beach babe of California when really I think I'm a potato lol.

Let's get back to what I was laughing about. Well Celeste my best friend from 5th grade sneaked in my brothers room watching him get dress. Little perverted child lol.

Celeste is gorgeous she has brown straight hair with blue eyes and a tan body. Shes goals like look at me to her I look like a rotten egg!

"Your so innocent cel" I shake my head.

"I really am" she flips her hair and stands up and twerks.

"No just no" I laugh.

I decided to get up off the floor because I'm just sitting in the middle of the room at 11:30 I really need to get dressed for the day.

I decided today would be good to curl my hair. So once I was done with that I went into the closet and picked out a good outfit today. It is a white crochet short that stops at my belly button. I put black shorts on and some white converses.

My makeup was usual just some tan eyeshadow with a little bit of black and some mascara I put Chapstick on and decided I looked decent.

Celeste was wearing a white tight crop top with some leggings with her hair curled to. She had sandels on with her makeup on point.

"Gorgeous" I say.

"Girl that's not my name if anything your name is gorgeous" she put her hand on her hip.

"Gurl your sassy" I put my hand on my hip. And we laugh it off.

We left the house to go to starbucks i decided it be good if we'd ride our bikes there.

We got to starbucks and I ordered my normal which was Strawberry frappe same as Celeste.

We sat down and I felt like someone was watching me why do I always suddenly start to feel like this? A couple days ago I really started to notice it. I was in public In a happy place on this sunny warm spring day in California, I shook it off.

Celeste and I kept talking until it was 1:30 until we noticed the workers had to go on a lunch break.

"Have a good lunch" Celeste said.

"Your so creepy" I whispered to her.

"What?! I was just saying" she put her hands up in defense.

We left and I still feel like someone is still watching me. I felt someone brush their fingers again my hair I jot around to see no one. Thats creepy af.

We rode our bikes back home and I still feel like someone's watching me. If I turn around to look I'd fall but guess what? I'm doing it anyways. I turn around and there I see a blur of someone I can't make out I gasp. Then it disappeared I turn around and there I go flying off my bike over a table and I hit the concrete. It hurt but not to bad.

"OMG SCAR AAHHAHAHAAHHah" Celeste was dying of laughter I mean really she was.

"Haahha so funny" I roll my eyes and stood up and brush off my shorts.


Soon I started laughing because I bet the sight was pretty funny.

We started riding back to my house. I haven't really told you about my family and life. Well I live in a house with my brother my parents died when I was 5 I don't really remember them but I wish I could. My brother and I stayed with our aunt that's so rude until we were able to move out. So once we did move out which I was still in highschool at the time and my brother was 3 years older then me. I couldn't leave without Celeste so she begged her parents to go so she lives with me now. I have a sister but never really met her. I want to though it's just Shes sorta a bad girl and my aunt never wanted me around her so I never met her all I know is that she's the same age as me.

My brothers names is Josh he's 21 and has the same eyes as me with black hair that's ruffled. Celeste always had a crush on him he's 21 and she's 20. But the bad thing is, is that he has a girlfriend and I don't think they are ever leaving eachother. Well that's basically my life i don't really have any family accept my grandma and papa that's one reason why we moved out to California to see them.

Well yeah pretty much my life our house is just a two story house but sorta small but it's fine I don't care.

We got back home and Josh suprisingly made lunch. "wow" I say.

"Hello to you to" he waves the spatuala around which got food everywhere.

"Josh omg" I giggle.

I see a head popping behind him and guess who it was my other best friend that I haven't seen in years maybe months. "IAN IS THAT YOU!?!" Celeste yells. We've all been good friends since 5th grade.

"IAN" we yell and run up to him and give him a hug. "I missed you" we said in unison.

"I did to guys so what's happening with the two beach babes?" He says.
I roll my eyes. See that's what I mean "I'm" called the beach babe out here in Cali.

"Good I guess" Celeste giggles.

"Same" I say.

Later in that day we catch up with each other. I really missed him he is like my other big brother even though he's 1 year younger then me. He has brown hair with yellow eyes and a pale body. He may seem ugly when really he is gorgeous.

It was night and I decided to get in my pajamas. I usually don't wear pajamas I usually just wear my underwear and a tshirt. And that's what I'm wearing.

I get into my comfy white bed and put my phone on the charger. As I was going to sleep I hear a "snap" as in a camera snap I turn to the window and see a flash then it's gone.

Minutes later I fall into a deep sleep about what I just saw...
Hey everyone🐼💙

How's Yall day going?

Mines fine I guess

Are you guys going anywhere this summer, im going to Florida!🌴🌴

I love you guys please vote and tell your friends to read

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