Chapter 28

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*Scarletts pov*
I woke up with Johnson laying down on the other couch. Um weird.
Then the memories came back. I started crying. I have a major headache from crying to. I have to stop crying I broke up with him he lied to me for months. I sighed and got up and made breakfast.

"Hey" Jack said coming by me.

"Oh hi, morning I made breakfast"i say.

"YUM" he says.

I ate the food as he did and so eke came downstairs it was Celeste I missed her.

"Hey Celeste!" I gave her a hug and gave her, her waffles I made.

"Thanks! I'm starving I'm sorry I couldn't see you for a while I'm off for 4 weeks so we can hang out again" she says. Yes I missed my best friend.

"Um..hi jack" she says.

He waves and goes to he bathroom.

"Why is he here" she asks.

"Well Cameron and I broke up he lied to me these past months he's the one that's stalking me he has for 3 years and lied about so many things he only used me for sex, so Johnson was here to help me" I say with tears slipping out of my eyes.

"Omg Scar, I'm so sorry I wish I was here to help you!!!! Nash is coming over soon so yeah" she says.

"It's fine I miss him but I will get over it he doesn't deserve me he's stuck up" I roll my eyes.

"You go girl" she pats my back and goes take a shower.

Jack came out of the bathroom and gave me a hug.

"I'm still sorry I can't believe he would do that to you" he says.

"It's fine I'm fine I don't need him" I put on a slight smile.

"So would you like to do anything today" Jack asks me.

"I don't know" I shrug.

"Well we could skate" he says.

"I don't know how but sure"

*Camerons pov*
I'm devastated.

I lost the one I loved the most.

I'm so mad she found out yet sad and disappointed in my self she's all I ever wanted and need yet I threw it all away and now she hates me. I wonder what she thinks of me? She probably despises me wants nothing to do with me.

I've stalked her for 3 years almost 4 how bad can it be. I stalked her lied to her used her I mean who is she mad. Wait....that sounds really bad. I used her for sex when I met her she never told you this well 3 years ago I raped her and she doesn't know that all she knows is that she's been raped by someone. I remember her always going to parties and stuff and always getting drunk and I got drunk to and we always had sex but she didn't know it was me. I remember at one point she went to a strip club and danced on a pole and yet we had sex once again she doesn't know it's me. I used her for sex a lot.

But now that I think about it I wish I had not. Because I learned to cherish each moment with her and I wanted to be with her forever I thought one say we would walk down the aisle and she'd be with me forever and we'd be so happy together.

I actually thought I made someone happy.

Yet it won't lemme stop stalking her i will always love her and. I won't stop loving her.

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