Chapter 15

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*Scarletts pov*
1 month later

It's been 1 month since Cameron and I have been dating and I've been working my butt of with modeling but cams always been there to support me. Right now I was cleaning my room while Madison were on her phone in my room.

"I don't wanna clean anymore I'm bored" I jumped onto my bed.

"What do you want to do" Madison says throwing her phone across the bed.

"Wellll we could go swimming" I say.

"K, I'll call our boyfriends" she winks.

"Skinny dip?" She smirks.

"Skinny dip it is." I say back to her.

Is it weird that I've always wanted to skinny dip I just thought it would be fun to just let free and not have anything on.

"Okay they will be here soon" she says and gets up to use the restroom.

It was 10:00 P.m and I was actually nervous to skinny dip and show my body off to Cam. But he's seen me naked before so I guess I should be fine.

I went to the bathroom and put on a lot of waterproof mascara same as Madison and I put on waterproof dark red lipstick and so did Madison.

I lit the tiki torches by the pool and put on some music not loud but quiet enough we could here it.

"Cmon lets do this" she says.

I strip down to nothing and put a towel around my body so when they get here I have coverage at least.

The doorbell rang and the guys had shorts on and I'm guessing that's all.

"Hey babe" Cam presses his lips against mine.

"Hey" I kiss back.

We let go and Cam and I went outside and same did Madison and Jack.

I hold onto my towel to my skin scared to drop it.

"I won't Judge besides I've seen you naked before your gorgeous and perfect the way you are" cam rubs my back. I nod my head and blush.

I dropped the towel and it went onto the cold sidewalk. Cameron slips his shorts off and I see everything. I blush. Cameron pulls me onto him.

"Your so dang gorgeous, I could bang you right now" he said putting kisses down my neck.

"Cammmmmmm" I moan.

"Shh baby" he then kisses down my stomach.

"Not here and now" I smack his arm lightly. We entered the pool and it was freezing.

"I'm not getting into this crap" I say walking out of the pool putting my towel on.

"Cmon baby" Jack says in a baby voice.

"Shut up its freezing in going inside mofos" I say flipping them off and go inside and I put a bra on and some sweatpants. I was hungry so I got some cereal.

Jack G comes inside all wet and naked.

"Ew" I say and he turns around.

"Yeah ew" he says and goes to the bathroom.

I turn on Netflix and its been a while and Im wondering why Jack hasn't came out of the bathroom yet and why cam or Madison are coming in. I look from the corner of my eye outside to see Cameron and Madison kissing wtf. I get up and March over to the window and there I see Madison and Cameron having sex in front of my eyes. It hurt so bad I felt like meaty shattered into 1 billion pieces I felt broken.

I open the door and yell at them.
"I CANT BELIEVE YOU CAMERON AND MADISON I THOUGHT YOU WERE COOL BUT I GUESS NOT" I say and slam the door and go into my room and ball my eyes out. I hate myself I hate everything. Cameron hates me. Why am I even living now. Where's Celeste to comfort me? Oh yeah she's at another party and I dropped out. I'm a terrible friend, person.

Cameron comes bursting into my room and I see tears well up in his eyes. I never wanted to see him again.

"Cameron why" I cry.

"It's not what it looks like I swear" he moves closer to me.

"That's what they all say" I put my head in my pillow.

"Scarlett, you know how much you mean to me and I promise it wasn't what it looked like I know it looked bad but it isn't as bad as you think just hear me out" he rubs my back.

"Don't touch me" I say.

He sighs and begins.

"So when you went inside and Jack did to Madison got really close to me and she started kissing me, well she's cheating on her boyfriend now I never kissed back and I tried taking her off but she's dig her fingernails deep into making making me sting and bleed. I don't like her at all, all I want is you Scarlett I think I'm madly in love with you, I love you scarlett" he says and smashes his lips onto mine.

I couldn't help but kiss back. I should hate him right now but I honestly don't I trust him. I don't like him, I love him. My relationship is weird.

"I love you to" I say while he smiles.

"Well if you love me we'd have fun he wiggles his eyebrows. I giggle and I take my sweatpants and bra and panties off.

Boy what have I gotten my self into.. oh right.. Cameron Dallas.

Hey babes🍉 I hope you had a good day and night in currently busy but I had time to update I love you were almost to 1 THOUSAND WTF GUYS!1!1!1!1!1!1!1!1!1!!1!1!!1!1!!!

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