Chapter 17

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Ooh that's a first👇🏻
*Camerons pov*

I stole her. She shouldn't be scared of me I'm her boyfriend I love her so much. I kinda wanted to scare her and yeah it kinda went wrong. I couldn't help it. I beated her and raped the love of my life. She doesn't know it's me though she will never. It's all part of the game. Ever since long time ago I was supposed to stalk young girls it because my obsession. I have a hidden room in my house with millions of pictures of Scarlett. Anyways I stabbed her in her back. I needed her more then ever and being the dumb one I am I stabbed her. I was paid to. To pay off something regret a while back ago. I might tell you some day but I can't tell you now.

Anyways I regret it so much she's in the hospital right now. I'm in the waiting room with my hands on my face wanting to see her.

I learned to stay calm by acting and angry. So I'm acting like I'm calm.

"Umm excuse me do you know if Scarlett Banes is okay" I say nervously yet calm when really I wanted to kill someone.

"Yes, hold on" she says going back to her office room.

I went to the bathroom and wash my hands. I look in the mirror to see someone I never wanted to see. I'm ugly. I didn't know I exactly looked like that, man I'm hideous and fat wow. I sigh at my appearance and walk back out to the waiting room.

"Well the Doctor said that she needs stitches and won't be able to walk on her own for 2 weeks because a knife was stabbed into her it was close to her spine which luckily not. Do you perhaps know who stabbed it into her or was it you?" She ask.

"No ma'am, I'm her Boyfriend I wouldn't ever hurt her, I'm worried about what has happened but whoever done it I want to know as soon as possible" I say serious. Acting classes really paid off.

"Okay sir, well she's ready to be seen follow me babe" she winks and grabs my length. "Don't" I warned.

She ignored me and kept it there I was beyond furious right now.

She opened the door to Scarlett. I saw her look at me and then turn around away from me I rush to her side.

"Scar!! Are you okay" I hug her.

"Why' stab me" she quietly says.

"I didn't I was comforting you and I didn't know but behind you was the guy that kidnapped you I thought he left" I say lying. Wow.

"I'm sorry" she puts her head down and fiddles with her fingers. I tilt her chin up to look at me.

"Hey, why sorry if anything I should be sorry because I should of been there with you" I kiss her temple.

"Please don't ever leave me Cameron, I feel like everytime alone I get stalked or hurt, I need you" she grips onto my shoulder for dear life.

"I need you to" I kiss her soft lips. They got me going hard flips in my stomach.

I deepen the kiss bye sliding my tounge into her mouth. I heard a knock on the door and I hurriedly get off of Scarlett and acted like nothing happened between me and her.

Celeste, and Josh come in.

"Scarlett I'm so sorry I haven't been here in a while I Missed you little sis even though I wanna punch you at times I promise I won't leave you" he runs up to Scarlett and hugs her.

"Thanks Joshua Banes" she chuckles.

He rolls his eyes and stands by me.

We've became closer friends since Scarlett and I were friends.

"I missed her, you're always with her though" Josh says.

"What about on Sunday you two can have he whole day together that's in 2 days" I say being nice.

"Thanks bro" he 'bro' hugs me.

Celeste and her were talking and hugging.

I was just staring at the wall. I'm terrible. I caused this.

The doctor comes in and shuts the door.

"Sir when does she get out, can she now" Josh says.

"no" he simply says.

"Oh...well when" he says.

"Tomorrow,you better pick her up at 1o:30 exact" Dr.Charger says.

I'd like to charge up his as*.

I roll my eyes and okay him.

"Visiting hours are over, leave" Dr.Charger points out the door.

Celeste walks out by my side and Josh mumbles to Dr.Charger "we'll gladly leave have fun charging up your attitude"

Celeste was being quiet as we were leaving so I decided to tell Josh that I'm going to show her the bathroom.

We got the the bathroom and she broke down crying. "Hey what's wrong" I go up to her.

"I'm a terrible person; friend I just ugh I don't even know I'm always at parties and I'm missing out on my friend I hate it so much" she says.

"It will be okay I promise" I assure her and I help her up and I wipe her tears and we walk out.

As we got into the car I thought, I'm the terrible person I should be the one that should be in the hospital bed. But at the same time if I was I wouldn't of been closer to her.

Sorry I haven't updated I probably won't that much I'm sorry there was a misunderstanding with my dad and stuff ugh I just hate him I'm sorry I love all of you guys and we're almost to 1k in so excited!! I love you so don't except updates a lot


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