Chapter 7

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*Scarletts pov*
I back up against the bed. "Cameron no" I say. He frowns. "Sorry sweetheart" he starts pulling my pants down. I was freaking out I just reacted and smacked him in the face. I hurriedly got up and put my pants up and ran downstairs. Cameron chasing me and I ran outside. Good think I took track so I'm a pretty good runner. I ran and ran. He tried to rape me I've never thought he would.

It's been about hours it feels like and I am at the ocean. I collapse to the ground, I can't see anyone around so I close my eyes and breathe. It has felt like 100 years since I've had a breath and just looked at the ocean view. I miss it so much. And I really need it right now.

I get up from my spot feeling sweaty so I took my clothes off leaving myself in my bra and Underwear I got into the blissful ocean water, letting the waves bring me down. The sun shining brightly without a cloud in the sky on this hot California day. I wondered to my self why isn't anyone at this beach? Well I'm guessing it's a private beach. I laid in the water letting my hair soak into the salty ocean water. Fish nibbling on my feet.

It's probably 2:00 p.m and honestly I never want to go home. But I have to. I get out and dried my self by laying down. Soon I see someone walking, thinking it was Cameron but I thought wrong yet again. It was Connor. What must he be doing here? Well there's only one way to know.

"Oh hey Connor! What brings you here?" I ask politely not being rude because he's someone I barely know.

"Eh.. Honestly I don't know, just needed some air. You?"

"Same as you, life is hard when you know it's hard to carry on" I put my shirt on.

"I know how you feel, it's good to have someone to know exactly how your feeling, because right not all I am is lost and confused"

"Well I will always be around if you need another had to help you up" I smile a smile I never thought I have had today.

He smiles and nods.

"So are you going home?" He ask curiously.

"Yeah hopefully I see you some other time I will text you later" I say and pick my phone up to see 10 missed calls and 22 unread text messages with 2 voicemails. I sigh when I saw who were from most of them. But when I saw my brothers text saying he's home. It made me feel... Safe.

"Okay see Ya around, you always can find me at Starbucks or on tumblr" he winks.

Something about him seems so familiar... Like his name. Connor... Connor Franta.. Connor Franta.

I shook it off and walked home. Obviously I didn't know where I was going so I put a gps on and I was about 5 miles away maybe or less.

It's was now 4:30 when I got home. My brother was home and Celeste was to.

"Hey" I walk through the door.

"WHERE WERE YOU?!?!" Josh yells.

"Needed air so went to the beach" I say.

"Glad your safe! This guy Cameron? I think his name is has been worried about you, is he your special man" he wiggles his eyebrows.

Knowing him as my special man would be amazing but I'm not for sure if I feel that way.

"Nah, he's just a friend....for now atleast" I whisper the last part.

"Cool well be careful" he warns. I roll my eyes and went outside to see Celeste out back crying on a chair by the pool.

"Cel what's wrong?!" I run up to her.

"You know how I started to like Ian a while ago. Well I couldn't help but kiss him and he said 'wtf Celeste I have a girlfriend and I've never liked you in that way sorry' he walked off and I regret liking him and regret kissing him that probably ruined our friendship and knowing he had a girlfriend hurts" she cries.

"Cel, omg im so so sorry! He's not worth it though there plenty of good guys out there. I guess he isn't the one for you im sorry Cel things will get berries I promise" I hug her.

She shakes her head and wipes her tears away and goes back inside.

I follow behind her. I wish I could be as strong as her. She has always been one of the strongest people I've known but there's always a breaking point in life where you can't hold on any longer.

I got inside to see Cameron here. I roll my eyes at him yet I couldn't stay long away from him.

"Hi" I simply say and go up stairs to the recording room. Yeah I have a recording room I've always wanted to sing so when I'm stressed sometimes I just sing. It's one of the mos relaxing things I can do but I think Going to that beach is more relaxing. Well so I've always wanted to sing since I was little and so I decided why don't I give my self practices. Ever since then I have sang. You may think I'm perfect im no where though. The only good things im good at is running, singing, modeling, swimming and that's fine but I have tons of flaws.

I went in the room and started to sing one of my favorite songs at the moment. It reminds me singing to my old best friend I've had since middle school her name was Ashley. She died from being in a wreck I miss her so when I sing this son I think of her.

It's been a long day without you, my friend
And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again
We've come a long way from where we began
Oh, I'll tell you all about it when I see you again
When I see you again

Damn, who knew?
All the planes we flew
Good things we've been through
That I'll be standing right here talking to you
'Bout another path
I know we loved to hit the road and laugh
But something told me that it wouldn't last
Had to switch up
Look at things different, see the bigger picture
Those were the days
Hard work forever pays
Now I see you in a better place (see you in a better place)

How can we not talk about family when family's all that we got?
Everything I went through you were standing there by my side
And now you gon' be with me for the last ride

It's been a long day without you, my friend
And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again (I see you again)
We've come a long way (yeah, we came a long way) from where we began (you know we started)
Oh, I'll tell you all about it when I see you again (let me tell you)
When I see you again

I looked at the door to see a Cameron Dallas standing there with teary eyes.

"You sound beautiful" he mouths.

I blush "im not good but singing has always been my passion"

"No your amazing! And I can relate to this song so much" he says with tears in his eyes.

"Why? And so do I" i ask thinking of the memories of Ashley. It also makes me think of Paul Walker I cry Everytime I listen to this song. I already have tears in my eyes.

"Well my dad I've never grew up with one but I know I have one because he's somewhere in this world I always get in touch with him I've always wanted to see him again I've never really have. also my friend Chris has gone on a mission trip for 4 years and I miss him so much he was the one who helped me through everything he means so much to me I haven't seen him in years it feels like" he says with tears coming out of his eyes

"I'm so sorry cam, well my best friend since I was born she got in a wreck in middle school and I always think about her when this song comes on Shes been there through everything even when I was at my most broken points. Also I always think of Paul walker I used to obsess over him and it's really sad to know he's well gone..." I cry.

"I'm so sorry, well I'm glad I can have someone that I can relate to"

"Me too"

Hey guys 💖 ive been really busy! Sorry If I haven't posted every day

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