Chapter 2- panera bread ruined

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*scarletts pov*

I woke up again for the second time of cameras going off. What is this? I look up from my bed and see a person in my room. I automatically scream but the person disappeared.

I shot up and breathe heavily, Josh hurriedly came in to the room.
"SCAR ARE YOU ALRIGHT!" he rushed to my bed to see me sweating.

"Uhmm y-e-eah" i say quietly.

"Obviously your not, what happened" he asks concerned yet eager.

"Well....I woke up to snapshots like camera snaps and I look around and see someone in the room and.... it was gone..." I sigh.

"It wasn't Cel your windows are locked who could of get in here?!"

"I-I-I don't know.... I couldn't make out the person" I sigh again. I didn't know why but I started to cry. These past days I feel like I've been being followed. It's probably just my imagination but it scares me.

"Shh...just let it all out" he hugs me. im so thankful to have him as a brother. He isn't the type of person to pitty me he tells me to stay strong but he lets me cry and when I get hurt he doesn't carry me and help me Inly if I'm bleeding though but if I fell of a bike he'd want me to get back on and ride and I do. That's why I love him.

"Thank you... I just don't know how I've been feeling these days"

"It's okay if you need any help I will be here im going to get Celeste and put her in here to so she can keep you safe" he kisses my forehead and leaves.

He soon comes in the room with a angry Celeste, figures. "Why the hel* did you wake me up" she stomps her foot.

"Well sorry miss sassy I woke up screaming because someone was in my room and left" i say.

"Oh... so that's why josh woke me up" she smiles and gets in with me. Seconds later I fall asleep.

It was now morning and I woke up as bright as a lamp. I run downstairs and make breakfast.

I started to make some eggs and bacon with pancakes.

I soon finished and run upstairs and smack Celeste with a pillow. "GET UPPPPPPP" I yell. "NO WHY ARE YOU WAKING ME UP ITS LIKE 5:00" she groans.

"Welllllll it's actually 9:00" I smile even though she had the pillow over her head.

"To early IMMA go sleep" she fake snores.

"Well I guess I will eat breakfast all alone" I pretend to walk out of the room and fake cry.

"OKAY IMMA GO GET UP" she yells and run downstairs. I laugh and I see my brother downstairs already.

"Thank the lawd I didn't have to get you up" I roll my eyes.

"Hahaa well thanks for the food" he smiles.

"Thanks" Celeste says through a mouth full of food and smiles.

"Aw no problem guys" I giggle.

I got dressed earlier into a white tanktop with a gray cardigan on and some light washed shorts. I straightened my hair and left my nails did. For makeup I filled in a little bit of my eyebrows then I put mascara on with some black on the outside of my eyelid.

"Hey I'm gonna go out to eat Cel Wanna go?" I ask Celeste because why not and Josh can't go because he's out with his girlfriend.

"Sure" she smiles.

I texted Ian to see if he wants to go too.

To Ian😊😒
Hey boyyyy wanna go out to panera with Cel and me?

From Ian😊😒
Yeah sounds good I will meet you there bye :)!

To Ian😊😒
:)))))) Ookay see Ya

"Hey I invited Ian" I tell Celeste.

"Okay yay" she smiles.

We got to Panera and we ordered our food and sat down and waited for our buzzer to go off to when we can get our food.

Ian got the food while Celeste was in the bathroom. I was just sitting down looking down at my phone. There wasn't really anything to do on my phone so I just sit it down and wait.

I look over at a table to see a guy staring at me. It made me really uncomfortable. They guy that looked like my age got up from his seat and threw is food away and instead of going back to his seat he sat closer to me. Like a table away from me. I moved more uncomfortably and I just sat there not moving. Why am I so suddenly scared it's just a person. But this person Wasn't like any guy he looked good I mean he was gorgeous. He had brown hair nearly did but in a messy way and Chocolate brown eyes with plump pink lips and had a purple tank on with some kackie shorts. There was something about him that made me scared. I look down at my phone and it said unknown number. I got a text.

Unknown number:
I see you, I have all eyes baby

I dropped my phone in the seat.... I got really nervous. Ian came back with the food and Celeste came. Out of the bathroom. I had my mouth open slightly. Who could it be? The only person that can see me is that guy beside me. It can't be him.... He doesn't have my number.

I soon got another text and that's when I lost my appetite.

Unknown number:
Baby, you better be ready for what's coming. I'm not very far away sweetheart your mine Scarlett...

That's it. "Guys we have to leave now!!" I whisper tell to Celeste and Ian.

"Why?! We just got here" Ian and Celeste exclaim.

"Get the food and get into the car now! I will explain once were in there now! Hurry!!" I quietly yell again.

They hurriedly got up and we rushed to the car. I looked back in Panera and see that guy looking straight at me. It can't be him... he then smirks and eats his food.

I think I'm going to get sick.

Hey guys!

Do you think it's that guy?!?!! That was at panera that texted her?!

You have to see 😏😏

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