Chapter 37

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*Scarletts pov*
Later that night I couldn't stop thinking about earlier.  How could I be jealous of a slut.  I'm not Jealous of her but how could I be jealous? After everything's he's done to me?!

I sighed.

I got a call from Matt and decided to answer

"Hey Scarlett mind if I come over"

"I guess so"

"Okay I will be there in 5 minutes"

"Ok bye"

*end of call*

I sat down in the kitchen just thinking. Why is life so hard and painful?

There was a knock on the door knowing it was Matt I yelled come in since the door was open. I got up from my chair and I see Cameron at the door. What?!

"Why are you here" I say oddly confused.

"To see you" he says sternly. 

"Um..there's nothing to see and I think you've seen enough and aren't you supposed to be with your as you call girlfriend because right now I have other plans and they don't have anything that involves you" I spat. 

He scoffs and I just roll my eyes. 

"Your Jealous" he says to me getting closer. 

"Why would I ever be jealous of your little slut you carry around" I say.  If he only knew.

"No no, your not jealous of Daisy, your jealous that I'm with another girl that's not you" he says. 

"Ha, Daisy sounds like you found her at a strip club and I'm not jealous why would I be jealous of someone that made me feel like a piece of trash I'm honestly relieved and happy that we aren't together because if I were still with you my life would be even worst then it is now, so why don't you get out of my house" I say very annoyed.

"That's not telling me anything your just jealous I know you like me Scarlett Banes now don't lie because I've heard the conversation of what you call you boyfriend" he smirks. Wthhhhh he's stalking me again?!

"So your stalking me again I see, you just can't lay a hand off of me well you should start doing that because if anything you don't deserve to be stepped foot in my house and you weren't invited and what I was saying was some stupid stuff that wasn't true and my so called boyfriend is 100 times better then you will ever be. I got 99 problems and Cameron Dallas ain't one. Now get out." I point to the door and he stands in shock and he leaves.

"I won" I say to my self. I can't wait to tell Matt about this argument.

Matt comes in and I was happy to see him.

"Hey Matt" I smile.

"Hey so what was going on all I saw was a angry Cameron walk out of your house" he says confused.

"Oh yeah, AHAHAHAHA that was an argument we had and I won it and considering he wins everything well he hasn't won over me and won't and I won a argument so let him soak his self in some pity.

"Ahaha anyways I think you still have feelings for him you keep bringing him up I know your dating Jack but I think you still like him." He says nervously.

I don't want to fight with Matt because I mean that's nothing to really fight about.

"I honestly don't know after we left the beach I was kinda jealous and I don't know I love Jack but my feelings feel like they are changing." I sigh.

"I don't understand how you could have feelings for someone that hurt you so bad mentally" he shrugs.

"You've never been in love Matt, love is a strong word and I loved Cameron he meant the world to me he made me feel so different he made me feel like I was actually beautiful he filled in my flaws like a puzzle a picture perfect puzzle. He rebuilt my broken pieces just to tear them back down again and leave me there stranded and lost like I've been living in a dark cruel world. He honestly hurt me but Jack came along and he changed me I mean he's working on fixing my pieces but I'm afraid to stay to attached because what if he brakes me to I can't see him doing that though he's an amazing guy that loves me for me but there's something missing to Jack when I'm in his arms I still feel cold but when I'm in Camerons his arms feel warm and cozy. But of how much I'm missing Jack and how much he cares for me I realized the past is past and we are in the present now so no reason to go back"

"You like him scar, and don't deny it he fixed you yet broke you but Jack hasn't fixed you yet I know it's hard and you can't break jacks heart just to go back to Cameron because now that's just cruel you just have to see where God takes you and go with flow and take everything slow and don't rush it."

"I don't need nor want anything to do with Cameron I love Jack and I know I do" I said but after that I thought to my self do I I really love him or is my mind just playing tricks on me.

"Let's see you say that I'm a couple months or years" Matt mumbles to his self. I let it slip I'm not really in the mood for starting another fight.

"Hey mind if I crash here" Matt asks.

"Umm why not of course I will let you have my bed" I say.

"Nah it's fine I will sleep on the couch" he says.

"Wait my brother isn't home so you can sleep in his bed"

"Okay I guess, goodnight Scarlett" he hugs me.

"Goodnight loser" i say and go up to my room and turned off the light and got into my cozy bed thinking.

Do I really love Jack?

HEY HEY HEY! Tomorrows gonna suck I have school tomorrow😅🔫 so I won't be as busy as I have been soooooo yeah😎

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