Chapter 21

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*Nashs pov*
I was hanging out with the Jacks when Scar called me she seemed so concerned. Why isn't Cam answering the door I thought in my head. I knew I should be worried because he would answer and he would be texting Scarlett.

As I got there we checked around the house there wasn't any sign of him. I gulped knowing he would be in his room I got the key and when I opened the bathroom door I gasped with tears dripping down.

*scarletts pov*
I start sobbing. I dropped to the ground crying tremendously.

I look down at him and see blood all over his arms with a knife by him. "Oh my gosh" I say.

Nash called the ambulence and there was just a pile of blood around him. There was a rope next to him and pills on the ground and a note.

"no cam" I say while reading it.

Dear everyone,
I love all of you guys so much and I'm sorry. It's my time to go I have been struggling a lot lately and didn't know how to express it without suicide. All my friends made me so happy and were so fun to be around and my fans knowing the loved me made him smile. My family made me who I am today I can't thank them more go that. Especially Scarlett she made my skies blue she is the best thing that ever happened to me I want you to know that I am in love with you and that I love you so much but now, Bye

I start balling. The ambulence took him and wouldn't let me in.

"NASH" I yelled after I read the note.

He read it with tears poring out of his eyes. "Wh-h-hy" he say quietly.

I called everyone and we rushed to the hospital.

I brought the not with me stained with his blood you can tell he wrote this while he was committing because there a whole through the paper.

I was sobbing so hard right now. Why. I Iove him so freaking much I can't imagine my world without him.

We get to the hospital and I ran up there with Nash behind me I couldn't speak so Nash did.

"WHERE IS CAMERON DALLAA AT" people looked at us young girls. Crap.

We had to wait in the waiting room and I started crying I just want to see him.

"OMGKFSKSKAKKS WHAT HAPPENED" 2 girls comeover to us hugging Nash and I.

"It's...hard" Nash says.

"We have time" they say still shaking.

"Cameron.. committed suicide"i say immediantly balling my eyes.

The girls stood there in shock with tears forming. One of the girls dropped to the ground and started screaming. The other on fell into Nashs arms.

"We don't know what happened yet but what we saw was pretty bad in sorry" I say crying along with the girl on the ground.

"Why did he" she said.

"I-I he well got to much hate and hated life and. Idont know" I say.

"Oh my gosh" the girls said.

"I wish we could help him" one girl said.

"I wish we could to" Nash puts his head down and the girl in his arms stays there.

The girls left and it's been 3 hours we haven't got anything new from the doctors.

I love Cam so much I don't want him to leave. I need to know what's wrong with him.

I go up to the nurses and ask
"Do you perhaps know what happened to Cameron Dallas?" I asked.

"Yes... he lost a lot of blood and is currently asleep right now because of Meds. He needed a lot of stitches in his head and arms and stomach. Also we had to get the pills out of him and he had temporary memory loss were about to test him for that"

"Oh my, so how much do you think will he remember"

"I don't know it depends" she shrugged and walked away guessing to give him the test.

I walk up to Nash.

"He's alive" I say.

He looked at me and had a small smile.

"He's okay" I say.
30 minutes later

The nurse said we could visit Cameron and that he remebers where he's lives and his family and other temporary things.

Nash walked in first and I waited last.

Nash walked out with a couple tears coming out of his eyes.

"What?" I ask

"You'll have to see when you get in there"

I walk in and see my boyfriend attached to so many tubes and him lifeless.

"Cameron" I say.

He looked up confused.

I run up to mine and gave him a huge hug "you're okay! Why did you commit" I say tears coming out.

"Um can you please get off" he says.

"Um okay" I say.

"Who are you, what are you doing here?" He said. My breath hitched tears came out of my eyes.

"You don't remember me" I say.



Sorry it's been a while I've been really busy and managed to put this chapter in but I don't know when I'm gonna update again because I'm busy this whole week we'll see I guess :)

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