1: On Your Left.

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I'm just floating in the stars.


It's so quiet.

So cold.

I'm sad.

I don't know why.

Sad doesn't cut it. It's like my heart is being ripped out of my chest slowly.

A loud clang brings me out of my weird dream and I snap my eyes open. My eyes lingers on the ceiling for a few seconds before glancing at the alarm clock.


I groan into my pillow. I stay there for a few seconds trying to force the sleep to come back but nothing.

I sit up about to give a certain soldier a piece of my mind when a familiar voice rings out.

'Incoming call from Mr Stark.'


"Put him on." I replied.

"Hey smalls. A little birdie told me you were awake." Dad voice comes in.

"Are you spying on me through J?" I ask.

"It's not spying if I didn't ask him to do so. So why are you awake by this time?" He asks concern in his voice

"I could ask the same about you? Did you even sleep at all?" I ask.

"I did." He replies too quickly making me sigh.

"J?" I ask, as I shrug the fluffy green blanket off me.

"Well, Mr Stark actually slept for three hours which is an improvement." Jarvis replies.


"Before you scold me, in my defense, the house is so quiet without you. I could hear my own breathing echo throughout the whole floor." Dad grumbles.
"Why can't you just work from home? Instead you're leaving me for the capsicle." Dad whines like he has been doing for the past three months.

"Dad, we talked about this. It's like I'm in college, picture it that way. And I did not leave you for the 'capsicle', he offered for me to stay in his apartment and I took it, you know I can't live alone." I remind him as I stand up to brush my teeth.

There was a time, a few years back, dad and I had a fight so I stormed out of the hotel and I bought a pre furnished condo with his card and everything only to leave the next day because I was so scared of living alone.

"Yeah. I know. I can't sleep in a quiet place too. It's so lonely." He whines again making me roll my eyes.

"You have Bruce and Pepper to keep you company, stop being a big baby. Are you done with the bike?" I ask changing the topic.

"I'm done actually. But I'm not sending it over until you learn how to ride one properly." He replies making me huff, I brush my teeth aggressively.

"But I can, Steve can attest to that." I whined, spitting out the toothpaste.

"I'm not taking the word of the grandpa for it. You're not ready until I say you are. Besides you have a car, I don't get what you need a bike for." He replies.

"Says the guy that has over five flashy cars." I retort.

I'm sure he's about to say something witty but JARVIS cuts him off.
"Sir, Dr Banner asks for your presence in the lab." Jarvis' voice comes in.

"Yeah alright. I'll call you later Smalls. I'm not sending the bike." Dad calls out.

"Whatever, give my greetings to Brucie. Your science bestie." I replied.

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