34: We Leave No One Behind.

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Ego had asked us to excuse him after PJ asked that question. Drax and Mantis had gone off to God knows where, leaving Gamora and I to wander around in an awkward silence.

"Something is wrong about this place." I muttered.

"I must agree with you. You held an infinity stone in your hand too, why didn't he come after you?" She asked and I paused.

"How- how did you know that?" I asked wearily.

"I- I must tell you something. My sister and I, we... We are daughters of Thanos." She says looking away from me.

"Thanos? Thanos as in the guy that-"

"Owned the army that attacked your planet. Yes, he's our adopted father. We knew how you stopped our army by holding the tesseract in your hands." She explained but I just stand there in shock.

The guy that had been tormenting my dad and I, the guy that plagued my visions, they guy that tortured Loki into submission. That guy is her father?

"Does PJ know?" I asked and she nodded.
"There's a lot going through my head right now, but what is on my mind is Rocket and Groot." I told her and she nods in agreement.

We continued to wander around this maze of a place looking for Drax in a very awkward silence.

"Drax? There’s something I must tell you." We heard as we reached the door that Ego led us through earlier.

Gamora opens the door before she could continue, we both walked outside to see both of them seating on the stairs.
"What’s going on?" Gamora asks.

"This gross bug lady is my new friend." Drax says and my brows fly up at his choice of adjective.

With the number of time my brows have been raised because of something Drax said or did, you'd think my brows would be living in my hairline by now.

"I’m learning many things, like I’m a pet and ugly." Mantis adds and I scoffed glaring at Drax.

"You’re not ugly. Don't listen to anything Drax says." I told her.

"Drax!" Gamora scolds.

"What are you talking about?" He asks gesturing to her like we were the blind ones, making me roll my eyes.

"Mantis… can you show us where we’ll be staying?" Gamora asks glaring at Drax. She nods standing up, leading us away from the building.

"Why are there no other beings on this planet?" I asked our tour guide after a few minutes of walking.

"The planet is Ego. A dog would not invite a flea to live on his back." She explains and I nodded.

"And you’re not a flea?" Gamora asks.

"I’m a flea with a purpose. I help him sleep." She replied.

"What were you about to say to Drax before we walked out?" She asks and Mantis hesitates, looking from her to me, from me to Drax and from Drax back to Gamora.

"Nothing." She mumbles before moving past Gamora hurriedly.
"Your quarters are this way."


Gamora brushed past me angrily as soon as I located her room. I watched her retreating form move furiously further and further away and I briefly wonder if I should follow her.

"Nope. Not a good idea." PJ says behind me and I jumped out of my skin.

"Dude! This place is creepy enough already, I don't need jump scares too." I exclaimed.

"Ugh, not you too." He groaned moving into the room.

"Not me what?" I asked as I followed him into the room. Sam Cooke’s 'Bring It On Home To Me' is playing in the background.

"She thinks this place is crazy and she was the one that convinced me to come here. Why can't she just be happy I found my dad? Oh, I know, she's jealous of the relationship she could never have with hers." He says and I scowl.

"Peter Jason Quill. Stop it." I scolded and he looks down.

"Why do I feel like a kid being scolded?" He mumbles.

"Because you are a kid being scolded. Look, I know how much this means to you, trust me I do, but I'm gonna be honest with you, something is weird about this planet, about ego, about everything." I said and he opens his mouth to speak but I cut him off.

"Nah, nah, nah, nah. What are you gonna say, that I am jealous too? Of the relationship you have with your father?" I asked and he shakes his head.

"That's my point. You have a relationship with your dad. A relationship I've longed for all my life and I have the opportunity to do so and you want me to just let it go? Lis, come on." He replied making me sigh.

"I'm not saying you shouldn't have that with him, I'm just saying you should be careful, don't let your guards down too much around him, we don't trust him. And by we I mean your family, Drax, Gamora and I. I think Rocket doesn't like him too because he kept shooting daggers at him till we left." I said and he smiles.

"Rocket shoots daggers at everyone around him, it's like his default mode." PJ joked and I chuckled.

We revel in the small silence that follows and I sighed.

"But seriously though, you should apologize to Gamora and hope she doesn't send her sword into your balls." I told him and he chuckles slowly.

I yawn softly as footsteps approached us. Ego appears in the door way.

"Um, I'll leave you two to it. Remember what I told you." I said as I tapped his shoulder and walked past Ego who was staring at us weirdly.

I made my way to the room Mantis had shown me earlier, sinking into the bed and toss around for a couple of minutes before my eyes finally close in exhaustion.

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