7: Shocks.

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The van was quiet, everyone with their thoughts.

I was worried, for Olivia. I don't know if she got to JARVIS.
She has to have gotten to him because Romlow would have thrown it in our faces if he had her.

James Barnes was Olivia's father. The man that was presumed dead since the forties. Steve always blamed himself, just like I did with Elena. He had occasional nightmares about that snowy day.

"It was him. He looked right at me like he didn't even know me." Steve mutters. I wanted to comfort him, I wanted to hold him.

"How's that even possible? It was like seventy years ago." Sam asks in confusion.

"Zola. Bucky's whole unit was captured in '43, Zola experimented on him. Whatever he did helped Bucky survive the fall. They must have found him and..." He chokes on his words.

"None of that's your fault, Steve." I said and he looks up at me.

"How can you say that Lis? Even when I had nothing, I had Bucky. And I just left-" I cut him off.

"No you didn't know. You did go back there didn't you? There was no way you could have known." I insists and he looks down.

"We need to get a doctor here. We don't put pressure on that wound she's gonna bleed out here in the truck." Sam says but the guard brings out an electric rod pointing it in his direction.

"Hey-" they surprise me by jabbing the rod into their partners chest, kicking his head making him pass out. They remove their helmet to reveal the familiar face of Maria Hill. 

"Ah. That thing was squeezing my brain." She says and I smile while Sam looks at her in confusion.
"Who's this guy?" She asks.

"A friend." I replied as she starts to get us out of our cuffs.


We finally stop driving and Maria comes to open the door and I jump out first before helping Nat, following Hill.

"GSW. She's lost at least a pint." She announces into the tunnel.

"Maybe two." Sam says and it's then I noticed the doctor.

"Let me take her." He requests

"She'll want to see him first." Hill says and I frown. What could be more important than saving the poor woman that was bleeding to death?

She leads us further into the tunnel until we reach a room with opaque blinds. I pull the blinds and I almost drop Nat when I see who was on the bed.

"You son of a fucking bitch" I said and he raises his eyebrow in amusement.

"About damn time." He says when Steve enters.


"Lacerated spinal column, cracked sternum, shattered collarbone, perforated liver, one hell of a headache." Fury lists out.

"Don't forget your collapsed lung." The doctor quips and I turn to him, throwing him a deep glare, he looks away quickly avoiding my gaze at all cost. He was the one that pronounced Fury dead.

"Oh, let's not forget that. Otherwise, I'm good." Fury continues.

"They cut you open, your heart stopped." Nat says her voice shaky.

"Tetrodotoxin B. Slows the pulse to one beat a minute. Banner developed it for stress. Didn't work so great for him, but we found a use for it." He replies making me roll my eyes.

"Why all the secrecy? Why not just tell us?" Steve asks.

"Yeah, Nicholas?" I taunted. I knew he hated it when someone called him that but he simply rolls his eyes.

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