18: Family.

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My eyes fluttered open, closing to adjust to the brightness, before opening again.


That's the first thing that comes to my mind. I turned to my bedside to see a jug of water and a glass. I sit up before grabbing it, pouring myself a glass of water and drinking it up in one go before pouring myself another one and drinking it halfway.

I stand up from the bed and I almost fall back down, if not for me grabbing the bedside table. Why does my leg feel like jelly?

Is it me or does my bladder seem unnaturally full?

I head to the bathroom to do my business and brush my teeth.
Is my room and bathroom bigger than before?

I rinsed my face off, looking down at myself. Why am I wearing a nightgown? JARVIS has a lot of explaining to do.

I walked to my closet- which was also bigger and contains clothes I don't remember having, grabbing one of dad's old t-shirt and a yoga pant slipping into it, walking out as I pulled my hair up, only for the band to snap when I look up to see a figure sitting on my bed.

"Shit. Are you taking a page out of Fury's book? Because that would only earn you a hole in your body." I said as I walked to my bedside drawer to pick up a new rubber band.

Dad doesn't reply, making me frown.
"What's wrong? You're being awfully quiet." I muttered as I put the rubber between my teeth to double it.

He still doesn't reply making me turn around to see him right behind me. He wraps his arms around me, pushing my head into his chest, placing multiple kisses on my head. The rubber band slips out of my grasp and flicks away making me huff.
All I wanted was to pack my hair.

"Are you okay, old man? You haven't been this touchy since I came back from DC last year." I replied.

It was true. The man kept showering me in hugs and kisses, even more than Pepper. He didn't let me leave his sight, at all.

"I'm just glad you're okay smalls." He responds. What? Okay, he didn't react to me calling him old.

"Why wouldn't I be?" I joked chuckling.

"You don't remember?" He asks.

"Remember what?" I counter.

"What was the last thing you remember?" He asks.

And I think back to the last thing I remember. It was fuzzy but I remembered Ultron, Pietro, Clint and the little boy. Steve- his hands were bleeding.

"Steve was hurt. Is he okay?" I ask.

"Steve wasn't hurt. You don't remember?" He asks.

"I think you and I know my brain is against me remembering certain things. What don't I remember?" I retorted.

"You don't remember being shot?" He asks making me chuckle in disbelief

"I think I would remember my body being pierced by a bullet. Steve was the one that was bleeding, God knows how he cut his hands, he probably-" I start but I was cut off by dad.

"His hands were covered in your blood, Lis, not his. You threw yourself in front of Pietro and Clint. Ultron shot you, multiple times." He says before turning around.
"FRIDAY, inform Dr. Cho to come here immediately." He says as he continued to pace.

I sit on the bed, trying to remember what really happened. I don't remember being shot, I do remember it being almost too late, telling Pietro he didn't see me coming, lying down to sleep.
Oh shit. I think I did get shot.

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