37: Goodbyes.

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I placed a flower beside Yondu's body. That was the only thing I had, that I could put down.

"I told Gamora how when I was a kid I used to pretend David Hasselhoff was my dad. He’s a singer and actor from Earth, really famous guy. Earlier, it struck me… Yondu didn’t have a talking car, but he did have a flying arrow. He didn’t have the beautiful voice of an angel… but he did have the whistle of one. Both Yondu and David Hasselhoff went on kick-ass adventures… and hooked up with hot women… and fought robots. I guess David Hasselhoff did kind of end up being my dad after all. Only it was you, Yondu. I had a pretty cool dad. What I’m trying to say here is… sometimes that thing you’re searching for your whole life… it’s right there by your side all along. You don’t even know it." PJ says in sadness.

Nebula walks out and Gamora follows her.

"I am Groot." Groot says sadly.

"He did call you twig." Rocket agrees.

I watched as Yondu's body is moved into the blazing fire. Everyone starts to walk away but I just stood there, staring.

"Pete!" Kraglin calls out breaking my line of thoughts.
"Captain found this for you in a junker shop. Said you’d come back to the fold someday." He says as he hands him a Zune.

"What is it?" He asks.

"It’s called a Zune. It’s what everybody’s listening to on Earth nowadays. It’s got 300 songs on it." Kraglin replied and I raised my brows. I don't know if I should tell him or not.

"300 songs?" PJ asks in surprise. I wonder what he would do if he knew that you could search for basically any song of your choice with just an app.

"Wait." He stops Kraglin as he moves. He hands him Yondu's arrow.
"Rocket grabbed the pieces, and reassembled them. I think Yondu would want you to have it."

"Thanks… Captain." Kraglin replied with tears in his eyes.

PJ walks in the direction of his room and I take a seat beside Rocket, watching the stars.

Suddenly a multitude of colourful ships appeared making me tense up.

"They came." Rocket says as we all stood up.

"What is it?" Drax asks.

"I sent word to Yondu’s old Ravager buddies, and told them what he did." Rocket replied and I watched as the ships lets out multiple fireworks, of different colours, Yondu's colourful ashes moving towards them.

"It’s a Ravager funeral." PJ says in realization.

"Yeah! Yeah!" I heard from somewhere on the ship.

"He didn’t chase them away." Rocket says lowly.


"Even though he yelled at them. And was always mean. And he stole batteries he didn’t need." Rocket says and PJ and I shared a look before looking down at him.

"Well, of course not." PJ replied.
"What?" He asks Gamora

"It’s just…some unspoken thing." She whispers back to him and I smiled.

We all watched as the ashes turned into an arrow before disappearing.

Watching this brought back the memory of Frigga's funeral and it got me thinking. If I died- when I died, I don't want to be surrounded by bugs and worms. I want this, I want-

Rocket nudged me breaking my thoughts.
"You okay up there?" He asks and I nodded.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine."


"How long do you think it's been?" I asked.

"I don't know. I don't understand how your solar system works." Rocket replies.

It's been a week since Yondu's colourful funeral and being with the Guardians of the Galaxy had been fun.

"Don't mind him, Lis. It can't have been that long." PJ responds.

"I am Groot." Groot says from his shoulders, tears pooling in his eyes.

"He says do you have to go." PJ translates.

"Hey," I carry him off PJ's shoulder, "I have to go. My other family would be worried. I don't know how long it's been." I tell him and he nods sadly.
"Hey, the next time we meet, I promise, we wouldn't need a nosy translator. Then you'll tell me all about your adventures, okay?"

He nods and he raised his arms as a gesture for me to hug him and I do. Drax takes him off my hands, placing him on his shoulder.

"You should go to your father when you get home, I'm sure he misses you." He says with sadness in his eyes. I knew he was talking from experience.

"I would. Thanks Drax." I replied and he nods as I moved to Gamora.

"I know you don't like hugs but I'm going to hug you this one time." I said as I pulled her into a hug for a few seconds.

"Thanks for letting me borrow your clothes and your room, even though I'm not sorry about the room, you got to crash with PJ." I teased and she rolled her eyes.

"We'll miss you Lisa. Groot would probably spend the next few weeks crying." She says and I smiled sadly.

"He'll be fine. He has you guys." I replied and she nods sadly.

I move to Mantis who was looking down, swaying from side to side. I placed my hand on her shoulder and she looks up at me, her big black eyes wide.
"You have your family here with you." I told her and she nods.

I move to Rocket who hands me a device and my TADASHI ship, and I bend to his height.

"How did-"

"I found it in the pocket of your coat and I made a few adjustments. And that is a transmitter that sends a signal to us, no matter where you are." He says shrugging like it meant nothing but I know better.

"Aww. Is my favourite grouchy raccoon going soft on me?" I teased and he rolled his eyes.

I pulled him into a hug and he tensed before hesitantly hugging me back.
"Thank you Rocket." I told him sincerely and he nodded.

"Are you sure you don't want us to drop you off?" PJ asks as I waved at Kraglin.

"I'm fine. I'll be fine." I responded as I placed the two devices into the little bag they'd given me.
"I don't want to draw attention to myself when I return PJ, I'm still a fugitive remember?"

"I just want to make sure you're safe, Lis." He says as he wraps his arms around me.

"I have to go back to my boring life." I said as I broke the hug.

"Says the girl that's best friends with the Captain America. Don't forget my autograph. I want as many Captain America stuff you can get, all signed." He replies and I smiled.

"Then I guess you're lucky I'm rich, or was." I replied and he nodded.
"Goodbye PJ." I said as I picked up the space suit.

I walked towards the ramp. PJ presses a few buttons and a glass looking demarcation comes between us. I put the space suit and pressed a button on my side of the wall and the ramp opens up, exposing me to the gravity less space.

I flew to the front of the ship, throwing them a final wave before turning invisible and headed home.

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