28: Wrong.

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I stand in front of the glass wall, Vision beside me as we watch Rhodey go through the CT scanner.

Dad comes up to us, touching my shoulder before turning to Vision.
"How did this happen?"

"I became distracted." Vision replied tensely.

"I didn't think that was possible." I spoke up for the first time since we left the airport. I didn't even change, I just wore a t-shirt over my suit.

"Neither did I." Vision replied and I walked out to get some air.

I almost bump into Nat, who looks as worried as I am. She wraps her arm around me, leading me to a balcony.

'The doctors say he shattered L4 through S1. Extreme laceration in the spinal cord. Probably looking at some form of paralysis." I told her and she nods tensely. Dad joins us wrapping his uninjured arm around my shoulder, kissing my temple.

"Steve's not gonna stop. If you don't either, Rhodey's gonna be the best case scenario." Nat tells him and he tenses letting go off me.

"You let them go, Nat." Dad says and I tense.

"We played this wrong." Nat replies and dad scoffs.

"'We'? Boy, it must be hard to shake the whole double agent thing, huh? It sticks in the DNA." Dad says and I scoffed.

"Are you incapable of letting go of your ego for one goddamn second? I don't know why you don't understand that our family is being torn apart." I replied and Nat squeeze my hand for me to stop. Something flashed in dad's eyes before looking away.

"T'Challa told Ross what you did, so . . . they're coming for you." He tells her.

"I'm not the one that needs to watch their back." She says and I follow her, but not before glaring at dad.

"Nat, Nat. Hold on. You know better than anyone that he didn't mean that." I told her and she sighs.

"He's not wrong though." She says looking away.

"If doing the right thing makes you a bad person, then we are both bad people." I told her and she smiles, before hugging me.

"Thank you, Lis. He's right about Ross, I have to go." She says and I nodded.

"Please let me know you're alright, okay." I told her and she nods before walking away.

I stare into space for a few seconds before dad taps my shoulder.

"We have to go." Dad says pulling my hand.

"Wha- wait? What about Rhodey?" I fumbled as he pulls me into the conveniently opened and empty elevator, tapping the roof botton.

"Rhodey is fine, Vision is staying. Maybe you and Steve haven't completely lost it." He says before projecting an image on the wall.

"What is this?" I asked in confusion.

"The therapist sent in for the Barnes." He replied and the elevator opens, we both head into the already running chopper.

We sit for a few minutes, and I spent it worrying about Steve and the Barnes. Did they get to Siberia in time? The twins, I let them down. I let the police take them.

The storm outside is a very clear representation of my emotions.

"The Task Force called for a psychiatrist as soon as Barnes was captured. The UN dispatched Dr. Theo Broussard from Geneva within the hour. He was met by this man." FRIDAY explains.

"Did you run facial recognition yet?" I asked.

This is all my fault, if I had looked into this earlier maybe all this wouldn't have happened.

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