30: For the Best.

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I'd gone through the five stages of grief within the last two days.


Steve can't do that to me. He tells me everything.


I was angry at myself, for not putting two and two together, at Steve for not telling me, at dad, at Zemo, at Ross and at everything.


Maybe if Steve had told us earlier, maybe we would have been able to sort it out. Maybe if James had explained maybe all this wouldn't have happened.


I just laid there on the bed, ignoring everyone, including Vision who phased through my walls to constantly check on me. I think his JARVIS side and his mind stone are really worried. Not that I think Ultron cares for his depressed sister. The only thing I did was shower and go back to bed.


James killed my grandparents while he was the Winter Soldier and Elena helped. Steve knew and he didn't tell me. My family was ripped apart, aunt Peggy is dead and I am a shitty sister, I couldn't even see my brother off to the airport or make sure he got home safely. I knew he was, dad made sure of it.

A knock resounds in my quiet room and I groan, pushing the pillow further into my face. 

"Actually, I have a genuine reason this time." His robotic voice comes through.

"Go away JARVIS." I groaned. The door clicked and I glared at the ceiling. Can you kill an AI? Cause I was ready to kill a redheaded one.

Vision comes in with a brown envelope in hand.
"This came in for you." He says.

"I didn't order anything." I grumbled, turning away from him.

"Perhaps, you should check it and know what it is?" He suggests and I raised my head to glare at him.
"Okay. I'll just leave it here, you can check it... uh...only if you want to. I'll be playing chess, you can join me if you want. I'll be expecting you." He says as he walks out.

I glare at the envelope and if I had laser eyes, it would be a pile of ash now.

My curiosity gets the better of me and I grab the letter. I tense when I register the handwriting. Even though he was an excellent artist, his writing wasn't perfect.

I reluctantly opened the envelope, pulling out the folded paper with ink, my heart beating wildly.


I know I'm the last person you want to hear from but I'm thankful that you're currently reading this.

I'm sorry I didn't tell you about your grandparents. I thought I was doing it for you, you had so much going on.

You had just lost Peggy, the Accords, Vienna and all other things and I thought... I realize now that I was just doing it to spare myself. I though if I'd told you, you would hate Bucky but now, I realized that you know his pain more than anyone.

Now, he's in somewhere safe, somewhere no one can hurt him again. Lisa, I know you're mad at me, and God, I know I deserve it but please don't punish Livia for my sins. If you could just reach out to her, it would go a long way.

We're going underground soon, but we have one last stop. If you can meet us before that, she would really love that. She loves you and I do too. You are legal guardian and you can take her away from me if you want to.

I don't even know if you're reading this up to this point but if you are, thanks for hearing me out. I'm sorry and I hope you forgive me someday.


I wiped the tears that gathered in my eyes, yanking the covers off me. I run into my closet, grabbing my prototype suit, cloaking myself to be invisible as I run outside.

It's time to do the right thing.


"Priority call from Secretary Ross. There's been a breach at the Raft prison." FRIDAY reports as the phone rings beside Tony.

He sighs rubbing his head, he knew she would do something, they would do something.

"Yeah, put him through." He instructs.

"Tony, we have a problem. Your daughter..."

"Ah, please hold." Tony cuts the secretary off, holding the call.

A message pops up and FRIDAY projects it. The grainy footage showed as soldiers fell to the floor one after the other. A familiar blue flashed and his daughter looks up at the camera, winking before turning invisible again.

A bigger figure walks in behind her and he instantly recognized the star spangled man following his daughter and he sighs.

A ping resounds in the room and he picks up the phone.

I'm a criminal now. I'm sure you know already. I think I'll be gone for a while, but I'll be back. I always come back, always. Take care of yourself and call Pepper, don't worry too much about me. Look out for Peter too. Love you.<3

I took TADASHI. It's not like you were using it anyway. I gave him a little upgrade. Bye for now. I promise to be safe.

Tony looked down at the message and smiled. Very typical. He looks out the window, into the distance. He really hoped she would be fine. That all of them would be fine.


"You sure about this?" Steve asks James again as Liv holds my hand tighter.

"I can't trust my own mind. So, until they figure out how to get this stuff out of my head I think going back under is the best thing . . . for everybody." He says before turning to me.

"Thank you." Those two words covered a lot and I nodded.

"I'll see you around, James."I replied and he smiles before turning to Liv, who was sniffling.

"Не вызывают никаких проблем. Будьте добры для Лизы, Хм." He says and she chuckles.
[Do not cause any problems. Be kind for Lisa, hmm.]

"Она ужавает." She replied and they both look at me, making me scrunch my nose up. It was really annoying when people talked about me in a language I don't understand.
"Вы должны это сделать?" She asks, her voice breaking.
[She's trouble itself. Do you have to do this?]

"Es para lo mejor." He replies in a language I understand.
[It's for the best.]

She lets go off me, wrapping her arms around him, sobbing and he wraps his arm around her. She reluctantly let's go and he placed a long kiss in her forehead.

I reach out pulling her towards me and he sends me an appreciative smile. Liv sobs against me as we all watched him go under.


T'Challa and I walked towards Steve, we were talking animatedly about Shuri who was still in the lab, with Livia.

"Thank you for this." Steve says as we reached him.

"Your friend and my father, they were both victims. If I can help one of them find peace…"

"You know, if they find out he's here . . . they'll come for him." Steve says and T and I glanced at each other, smiling.

"Let them try."

The Golden Sunshine✓ Tony Stark [Book 2]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon