12: It's Physics.

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The next three days passed by in a flash. I spent them in DC with aunt Peggy and in Malibu with Pepper though dad didn't know about the latter. He and Pepper are going through a rough patch. Again.

I've spent all morning in my room, trying to get a few hours of sleep but Nat keeps knocking telling me to get dressed every thirty minutes.

Speaking of the devil, she barges in, just as I get out of the bathroom, clad in just a sports bra and a short, my hair dripping from the shower I took a couple of minutes ago, with a couple of dresses in her hands.

"W-what? How did you even get in?" I ask.

"Bobby pin. You're already late, we have to make you look your best." She says dumping the clothes on my bed before pushing me in front of my dressing table. Her red hair was already curled and her face was wearing very little makeup.

After hours of rubbing, brushing, curling and tugging, she finally left me  to change into a navy blue knee length dress, with low shoulders.

"Wow. You look hot." She gushes as she takes me in.

I actually felt amazing. That was until she brought the death traps she called shoes.

I was destined to break my ankle and neck in those.

"No, no, no, no. NO. NO." I said moving backwards.
"You've already put me through enough today. Please for goodness sake." I said as I sat on my bed.

"Come on, they're the only pair that matches the dress so perfectly. Besides Pepper agrees with me." She says holding up her phone.

She must have called her when I went to the bathroom to change.
"Honey, you just have too." Pepper's voice comes in.

"Come on. You're supposed to support me. Have you seen these? They're as tall as the tower I'm in right now. What if I wear the one you got me last Christmas. The cute strappy white ones." I bargained. I had to find a loophole in this scenario. I could tell it worked because I could hear her humming in agreement.

"Yeah. Those could work. Nat, make sure she wears them. Oh, I have to go, I'll get back to you guys later. Love you, honey." She says in a rush, before hanging up.

Nat and I glare at each other for a few seconds before I finally gave in.
"Ugh. Fine, I'll wear the damned heels." I huffed as she smirked.


For someone that grew up in the spotlights and social gatherings, I hated heels as much as the the next person. Maybe even more.

I hadn't worn these death traps in years. I wasn't like Pepper who wore them everyday.

I walked down the stairs like my life depended on it. Well, it kind of did? I mean one wrong step could end my life, literally.

The party was already going on and I could see dad and Thor talking to Rhodey. I spot Sam and Steve by the pool table.

Sam notices me first and his mouth drops open. He nudges Steve and the poor guy looks around in confusion before doing a double take of me, his eyes widening.

I'm not surprised by their reaction. This was the first time either of them had seen me all dressed up.

Sam nudges Steve again, whispering something to him and he snaps out of his trance. Sam moves towards me first, helping me down the rest of the stairs.

"Wow." He says and I chuckle. "You look amazing. I think you just gave the old man a stroke." He whispered.

"Stop." I replied rolling my eyes. "Steve and I are just friends." I told him.

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