8: Energy Levels.

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"They're initiating launch." Hill informs us as we make our way towards the helicarriers.

"Hey, Cap, how do we know the good guys from the bad guys?" Sam asks.

"If they're shooting at you, they're bad." Steve replies and I shrug, that about explains it.

Sam takes off taking Steve along with him.

"Hey, Cap, I found those bad guys you were talking about." Sam comes in.

"You okay?" Steve asks as I pull the pin on the grenade of one the agents running past me.

"I'm not dead yet." He replies as the grenade goes off.

"Well, that's comforting." I replied.

"Falcon, status?" Hill ask as I push some agents off the carrier with my field.

I've been pushing through them since but they keep coming and I briefly wonder if all the agents decided to converge on this carrier.

"Engaging." He grunts.

"Almost there." I reply turning visible as I walked down the aisle to the control, punching  in the code and exchanging the chips.

"Alright, alpha locked." I said into the coms.

"Alright, Cap, I'm in." I hear Sam's voice as I get out of the carrier only for me to be attacked by a rain of bullets.

Two jets follow me even though I was flying invisible in the air. I made myself visible since staying invisible was taking to much energy.

I could feel the pressure pulling behind my eyes, stronger than ever and it makes me falter.
"Uhhh? Jarvis? What's wrong?" I ask as I fired huge blasts at the jets making them go up in flames.

"Performing a full body scan." He replies as I land on the carrier.
"I'm detecting concerning low level of energy. I suggest you take a break."

"What? What am I, some machine?" I mumbled into the suit.

I could hear Sam and Steve in the background but I don't pay attention to them.

"I compared your energy level with the one from New York and I noticed a massive change. I suspect it is the reality bending." He replies.

"Yeah. I guessed that too." I replied as I hear Sam shout.
"Steve!" Making me snap my head up. I see a figure falling few seconds later and I fly up. I wrap the person in a bubble, aiding their landing.

"Steve? Where are you Steve?" I ask worriedly, when I noticed the person was Sam.

"Go. The suit is grounded, I'll be fine." Sam says and I nodded before flying towards the third carrier.

"Guys, I'm here! I'm still on the Helicarrier." Steve voice comes through and I let out a sigh of relief.

"Alright. I'm coming up." I replied as I fly faster towards the carrier.

When I reached there, I can't see Steve or anybody else. I land, trying to catch my breath but I skip that when I heard shouts.

I finally spot Steve standing over an unconscious Bucky, clutching his sides.
"Hey. You okay?" I ask as I landed beside him and he nods before placing the chip into my palms.

"Go. You'll get there faster than I can." He rasps and I nodded flying up to the walkway thingy, landing on it when my vision gets blurry.

"Uh, guys, thirty seconds left." I hear Hill's voice come through.

I just have to get there. Life of millions rest in my palms.

"Stand by. Charlie..."I started as I  reached the machine, four gunshots rings cutting me off and the chip slips from my hands. My hand goes to my stomach to see blood gushing out profusely.

My head hurts so bad that I drop to the floor.
"Five seconds." I heard through the pain.

I gritted my teeth as I grabbed the chip, crawling towards the machine, ignoring the pain in my head and my body. I managed to slip it in just at the last second. Yes, I was counting. I fall back in relief and I close my eyes.

I could hear muffled voices, even though I couldn't figure out what they're saying but I could feel the panic in their voice. They lift my hand from my bleeding stomach and I feel them tapping my face.

Vibrations rock me and I groggily opened my eyes. My vision remained blurred as I started to blink repeatedly. My vision finally clears and I see very familiar pair of baby blue eyes staring down at me panic filling them instead of the bright smile and it makes me frown.

"- not healing? You're bleeding, you're so pale. Lis, talk to me." My hearing slowly becoming clearer.

"Y- y-y-you have to g-go." I stuttered out. I could see structures collapsing around us. I'm so tired.

"JARVIS?" He asks.

"Her energy levels are extremely low." He replied.

"Energy level? Since when is that a thing?" He asks as he carried me in bridal style, making sure my head was resting against his chest comfortably.

He carried me, turning around talking to someone on the comms but I can't comprehend.

Even my dull senses couldn't block out the screams that I've come to recognize. I turn my head to Steve to see him already staring down at me. He had a conflicted look in his eyes and I let out a smile.
"Go." I whispered.

"But-" he starts but I cut him off.

"Please, I've been stabbed by a dark elf with a sword made out of dark matter. I can survive a little bleeding. Go, he needs you more than I do." I told him and he reluctantly drops me and I lean against the barriers.

He sends me a worried look and I glared at him making him jump down the barrier. I noticed the slight limp in his steps as he walked towards his friend trapped under a beam.

I rest against the barriers as I pulled the bullet out of my abdomen, waiting for it to heal up. But it doesn't, instead the sudden pang in my head is all I can focus on, like my body was trying to punish me.
Never let your energy levels drop so low. Got it.

I stood there for what seemed like forever until I felt my body buzz up. I looked down at my hand to see them glowing, which means I could now fly.

I looked down at the two super soldiers, one trying to help the other and I jumped down, catching myself before I landed to soften the force and also to save the energy.

I walked towards them-- well, let's be truthful, staggered towards them, ignore the looks the both of them gave me.

I got down beside Steve who was glaring at me, helping him to lift the beam trapping his best friend and my best friend's baby daddy.

The soldier in question sends me a weary look as he hurriedly freed his leg from the beam.

Steve got up when he noticed he was free and turned to me, helping me up.

"I know what you to say and I don't want to hear it. He need our help and I helped because I could. You would have done the same and- what? Why are you looking at me like that?"

He ignores me, taking a step towards me. I take a step back because of his really close proximity, every one knows I have a huge crush on Captain America and him stepping this close to me did things to me, even though I'll never admit it to anyone.

He takes another step towards me and I go to do the same but instead I fall through the glass floor, gravity pulling me towards the Earth. The last thing I see before I fall off is the small smirk that graced his face.

I considered going up back there but I realized he really didn't want me there and I wouldn't be of much help with this new energy shit going on.

I managed to wrap myself in a field before I hit the water. Despite the tiredness, I swam up to the shore and laid there waiting for them to find me.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed, don't forget to vote and comment.

Next update: Wednesday


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