31: Post Credit Scene.

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It's been three weeks and the whole world was tense. The Lisa Stark was a wanted criminal alongside Captain America and other rogue Avengers. It's also been three weeks since she went missing.

Everyone was worried. Tony and Pepper were worried for their daughter, Tony tried tracing TADASHI but it was offline.

Steve and the rogue avengers were worried for their friend, since she left with as much as a letter.

Olivia was worried for her 'aunt-mom', she left leaving only a promise of retuning.

Peter Parker worried for his sister, he didn't understand why the government would announce such a good person a criminal.

Harley and Louisa worried for their adopted older sister and bestfriend.

Tony takes a sip of his coffee glaring at the white haired man in front of him. His baby was gone because of him.
"I've told you and I would keep telling you like I've been doing for the past three weeks, I don't have any idea where she is."

"I didn't come here to ask you for your rogue daughter, Stark. I found her actually." He announced.

"Where is she?" Pepper asks, speaking up for the first time since he entered their home, hope in her voice.

"Unfortunately, that we don't know."

"Enough with the games, Ross. You can't just come into our home just to play with our emotions." Tony snapped.

Ross takes a tablet from his agents and slides it across the table. The same table Lisa had chosen personally.

Pepper snatches the tablet off the table when Tony takes too long, playing the footage.

It seemed to be a phone recording because of how much it shook, before becoming balanced. The person zooms in on a figure in walking out of a cemetery.

"Mate? Are you sure that's her?" The voice of the person recording asks.

"I'm bloody sure a'right." Another voice replies.

"But why would she come to the cemetery? She's not the one, the rumour has it that the other rogue Avengers are in Moscow. Why would she leave Steve Rogers to be at a cemetery?" The first voice asks.

"Maybe he's dead." The second voice suggests.

"Maybe, but she wouldn't be the only one here if he was." The first one replied as the camera followed the figure.

The figure removes their hat and their blonde locks move in the wind.

Pepper and Tony looked up to Ross for an explanation but like the asshole he is, he doesn't give them any.

The look back at the screen just in time to see the blonde figure tremble in pain. They look like they were trying to hide it but it gets too much and the fall to the floor, groaning and writhing on the floor.

A flash of blue passed over them, revealing the familiar brown locks.

"Bloody hell." The second one exclaims as the first one screams.
"I knew it."

She continues to tremble as she tries to stand, grabbing a nearby lamppost for support. The trembling and falling attracted attention to her as her body glowed blue, bright blue, brighter than usual, almost like she was about to explode.

Tony and Pepper grimaced. Their hearts sinking in worry. It was like Extrims again.

"Stand back." Their baby screams at the crowd that were approaching her as she falls again, grabbing the pavement.

It was painful to watch, like the one time Tony witnessed Bruce trying to withhold the Hulk.

"Please, stand back." She rasped as a surge of energy expels from her, pushing everything in her path away.

The guy holding the phone and his friend falls too and it takes them a few seconds to get back up, surprisingly the video was still going.

"What the hell was that?" The second guy asks his friend.

"No idea mate."

By the time the camera refocuses on their baby, she was surrounded by police cars, all guns pointed as she screams at them.

"What is wrong with you people? I said stay back." She screams before falling to the floor, expelling a very large amount of energy, so bright and powerful that Tony and Pepper has to look away.

By the time they looked back, the footage was black. The next footage played, starting from where the other had stopped. This one was better but from a different angle, from a CCTV.

It showed upturned vehicles, people lying unconscious on the floor but what was surprising was Lisa. She was lying in the floor too but only for a second. One second,she was lying on the ground, the next she was gone in a flash of blue.

"What is this?" Tony asks. "Where is she?"

"We don't know. The amount of energy expelled from her was unmatchable and somehow, everyone around her was uninjured." Ross replies.

"What do you mean you don't know?" Tony snaps, as he reduced the playback speed of the footage. Maybe it was Pietro that grabbed her, the footage showed the same thing.

One second she was there and the next she wasn't.

"According to our research, the amount of energy expelled from her is enough light up a whole state. I'm sure wherever she went, according to our teleportation theory, she would appear somewhere. And we would be ready for her, that's if she's alive. My guys says the amount of energy expelled is enough to stop her heart, soo..." He trails off as Pepper glares at him.

Tony looks down at the slowed clip, watching as his daughter disappeared in a cloud of blue. If their theory was right, which a greater part of him believed, then she would have teleported somewhere.

The question is where?

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