Very Important!

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This story is going to need a warning because it talk about self harm, if you are not comfortable with reading a story that includes this please don't. 

Self harm is something serious and I just wanted to make sure you all got a warning before reading so it doesn't come as a surprise.

If you still wish to read the story I will add warnings so you can skip the chapter but you might miss some important parts so you're better off just not reading it.

 Self harm is not just something in books, it's a real life problem so if you need someone to talk to my Inbox is always opened and I will try my best to reply as quick as possible.

I want everyone to read this warning(because we all know when we see the authors note we tend to skip it) so the real chapter won't come till tomorrow.  

I'm sorry for this but in return I'll give you two chapters instead of one!


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