Visiting Lou Lou Part 1

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I felt sick and gross again, the same feeling as before, except this time my wrists hurt more than the last time. Also it was morning, not night, like I remembered. Great! Who was the 'knight in shining armor' this time? I really hope that Auggie and Chuck rush into the room, I hope that I was unconscious and dreamt the whole 'Sarah thing'.

I took off the covers and slid to the side of the bed, setting my feet on the floor to stand up. Except once I did, I fell down with a thump, feeling my head heavy and my body weak. Ramon rushed in, at the loud thump.

-"Little help?" I asked, breaking the silence and staring as he helped me back onto the bed.

-"Y/n, why?" I hadn't looked up at him, I kept fumbling around with my fingers.

-"I-I don't know..." I know why, I think...I wanted something to blame it on, but did I have a clear explanation besides 'it's my fault', not really.

-"Y/n, look at me" I shook my head.

-"You hav-"

-"Don't tell me I have to stop, I can't! Don't you understand?! I can't stop, I can't pretend that I'm okay anymore!"

-"I did this when my mom left...she didn't die, she just left"

-"How do you think I feel that I was the cause of Auggies death?!"

-"It wasn't yo-"

-"Don't lie to me, I asked everyone to go to the house, I asked her for a story, I took her book"

-"It's not your fault, it's Sarah's, I don't care if you asked her for some damn story!"

-"She's killing everyone off, and using you as an excuse"

-"And hurting yourself like this, it's not helping anyone"

-"I-I'm sorry" I whispered.

-"Don't apologize to me, apologize to yourself, because the only person you have hurt more than me and Chuck is you" I nodded, holding my hands out for a hug, which he chuckled to before giving me a tight embrace.

-"Chuck's gonna kill me isn't he?"

-"Let's hope not, 'cause I didn't spend this much time saving you to have you dead after all" I giggled at his reply.

-A few hours later-


After the whole...situation from earlier, I ate breakfast in bed since Ramon wouldn't let me down. Which I guess, made sense since I fell the second time I tried standing. Eventually regaining my energy through food and trying the 'third times charm' I was able to stand and do things normally.

We...Ramon called Chuck (I was too afraid to) and told him to meet us at Lou Lou's house. We walked over there, where I dreaded Chuck's response to the 'situation'.

He arrived looking a bit down, I mean who wouldn't be when your sister was in the hospital, your friend just tried to kill herself, and you were trying to find a way to not die? He gave me a tight hug, making a small joke of repeating the same lines he did the first time before we rang the doorbell of the house.



-"I had that dream again, the one with the red room" I shivered at the thought of the red room, remembering that time he drew a picture for us, which was more than something you could call a nightmare.

-"I'm...I'm scared that Sarah will use it against me" as much as I wanted to say she won't...she would. She had used the scarecrow for Tommy, something 'close' to him. The toe story that Auggie was so afraid of, and spiders, Ruth's number one fear.

-"I'm sure she won't, she'll probably do that old lady and dog or something, I mean it's better right?" he nodded, mumbling a 'I hope so' before the door opened.


Most things are not accurate in this chapter! But I needed them this way to get the story running!


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