You Smell Like Shit Part 1

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-"Where are you, Tommy?" Chuck asked the empty, dark street.

-"I heard the school's newspaper is open to submissions again" I turned to face Auggie.

-"You should submit some of your stories" he continued.

-"No way, I know our school to well" I replied, already feeling the comments and looks I'd get for it.

-"Come and get it Tommy!" coincidentally, the roars of a car engine rolled around behind us on the street were where on.

-"It's him! It's him! Get in position!" Chuck pushed us onto the sidewalk, holding out the 'candy bag' for them to take.

-"Hey Chuck, what'd you put in the bag?" I asked.

-"Old men underwear from the Goodwill nearby" he replied.

-"You'd be surprised how many men will donate dirty underwear" he laughed and I just gave him a look of disgust.

-"Ha-Ha! Suckers!" Tommy's gang yelled after taking the 'candy bag'.

-"We got him," Chuck laughed as the tires of Tommy's car screeched to reverse.

-"All right! Here we go, let's do this, let's do this!" we threw eggs and toilet paper at Tommy's car. sum things up it didn't end up as Chuck intended. We threw eggs and toilet paper at Tommy's car and stopped as he began to go reverse, but when he did Chuck threw a bag full of shit inside the opened window. The bag was lit on fire and landed on Tommy's lap, causing him to crash into a fence. And after all that he chased after us with a bat.

So now we are running for our lives...literally. I promised Chuck that if we died, I'd call first dibs kill him. 

We ran through a dense forest, I had almost tripped twice which was not helping. Eventually we found a clearing and ran across a few streets until we found a wall/fence.

We climbed over it to find they were playing a horror movie, we were at the movie drive in. We ran a bit ahead and hid behind a random car, keeping watch that Tommy wasn't close behind. I peeked into the car and noticed a boy around our age in there. Seeing as the rest of the car was empty and I was in a big need of a hiding spot, I opened the door.

-"Is this seat taken?" I asked as I opened the door of the car, and sat in the front passenger seat.

-"Uh, I don't...guess not," the boy replied.

-"Hey! Get out of my car" he told Chuck and Auggie, who had just climbed in as well.

-"They're with me, please" I pleaded.

-"We'll be out of here in a minute" Chuck told him as he and Auggie ducked down, hiding.

-"What are you guys doing?" the boy asked. I should really ask for his name, I thought.

-"We're saving our bacon" Chuck replied.

-"Sorry, but we really need to hide right now," I 'explained'.

-"Is he gone?" I asked the two, who began to unravel from their hiding position.

-"Yeah, we're good, I think he's gone"

-"We owe you one," Auggie told the boy, who looked at him weirdly.

-"I'm a Pierrot" 

-"You live in here?" I turned to face Chuck, rolling my eyes at his bad tendency of looking through people's stuff.

-"Hey! Stay out of my stuff"

-"Got what are you doing alone at a drive in?" Chuck asked, not getting the hint of leaving the boy alone.


I'll try my best to give you guys an early chapter tomorrow.

I hope you enjoyed the chapters!


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