Research Part 1

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With great difficulty I called Chuck, telling him to come to the fields. He told me he was busy, but I assumed he heard my cry because he said he'd come over as fast as he could. I usually never cried, I tried not to, it reminds me of bad memories. And those are things I try my hardest to forget.

Of course certain memories followed me at times, taking the forms of teasing and gossiping, but it was a small town, what else could the people do?

-"It's my fault" I cried silently, hugging my knees.

-"It's not, you know that it's not" Ramon tried to comfort me, but once I had my mind set on something there was no going back, especially with serious things like this.

-"I caused every bad thing that happened in my life, why wouldn't this be my fault?" he stayed silent for a bit before answering.

-"None of that's true, you know that" I shook my head.

-"No, it was my fault..."

-"I should have just done it that day" I sighed out, wiping away tears with the sleeve of my shirt.

-"NO!" I turned to Chuck who had yelled at me. Ruth and Ramon stared at him a bit confused.

-"Ahem...I mean no, and uhh...what's so urgent?"

-"Where's Auggie?"

-"H-He's gone" he gave me a confused look.

-"Another story was written," Ramon explained, passing the book over to him.

-"I don't get this? What is this?" Ruth asked, taking a look at the book.

-"This is a stale joke, Halloween's over!"

-"Where the hell's Auggie?!"

-"I-I don't know, his parents were traveling and now he's just gone" I half-explained.

-"Th-then let's go find him, let's g-"

-"We can't, he's gone, he's not coming back, his story is in the book, just like Tommy's"

-"His story was written in the book, same as Tommy's and it happens every night"

-"Jesus, he ate a toe?" Chuck mumbled, reading the book's pages.

-"We were all in that house, I assume it's gonna happen to all of us" Ruth got mad and rushed off, saying she had a rehearsal and that she didn't believe anything we were saying.

-"So what can we do? We can't just sit around waiting for our story to be written!"

-"Let's...Let's go to the police!" Chuck offered, but his idea was shut down by Ramon who said they'd never believe us.

-"What can we do?"

Chuck offered to burn the book, saying that it would burn down whatever spirits it possessed or something like that. We tried it, we had nothing else to do. But it didn't work, we lit it on fire and let it burn but nothing happened, in fact the fire diminished itself in the end, almost leaving the book the same as before.


Okay this is the last chapter for today, let's hope I wake up really early tomorrow so you guys can get one tomorrow.

In case I don't, Happy Halloween! 🎃👻💀


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